The tumultous late 1980s. The World War II became the Perpetual War.
Conventional militia has finally worn out. In the rise of the Fourth Reich,
a group of rogue criminals, renegados and defectors have come together by
mysterious conditions to fight the world armies in the shadows...

    The 17th Division is one of our biggest works and we are now presenting
the prototype version for people to get a taste and introduction to this side
of the [ZIZAVERSE]. This work will include: Historical themes, war and
terrorism history and related characters, bad words, dark and absurd humor, sexual content,
violence and brief instances of gore.

17TH - PROTOTYPE [Written by YogurP]

Episode 1 - A pat in the back to myself 


    [Abandoning one cold land for another, the Soviet NKVD officer Muzhik is headed to Iberia, to directly participate in the chaotic Spanish Civil War. However, he soon finds himself playing apart in a much larger conflict that will play out differently than it did in our own reality. Along the way, he will meet a local collaborator to accompany and nurture him through Operation: Buterbrod. Unexpectedly, the mission´s intentions seems to be more deeply mystical than he expected it to be.]

    Operation Buterbrod is the first story within the setting of the [ZIZAVERSE].A series of works that share the same wrenched world. This story in particular features: Historical themes, sexual content between humans
+ human with supernatural human, violence and light descriptions of gore.

MAIN STORY [Written by Astopotrotsky]

Episode 1 - Raven to Raven
Episode 2 - The First waltz[I]-[II]
Episode 3 - Thesis
Episode 4 - Anti-Thesis
Episode 5 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
Episode 6 - Vae Victis
Episode 7 - The Sappy Ending
Episode 8 - Peasant [END]


EXTRA - At the computer lab... [Astopotrotsky]
EXTRA - Life is Dream [YogurP] 


    [Abandonando una fría tierra por otra, el oficial del NVKD soviético Muzhik se dirige a Iberia, para participar directamente en la caótica Guerra Civil Española. Sin embargo, pronto se
encuentra actuando en un conflicto mucho mayor el cual transcurrirá de diferente forma a nuestra propia realidad. Durante el camino, conocerá a un colaborador local para acompañarlo y sanarlo a través de la Operación: Buterbrod. Inesperadamente, intenciones de la misión toman un rumbo mucho más místico de lo que él esperaba.]

    Operación Buterbrod es la primera historia dentro del escenario del [ZIZAVERSO]. Una serie de trabajos que comparten un mismo mundo destruído. Esta historia contiene: Temática histórica, contenido sexual explícito entre humanos y humano con humanos sobrenaturales, violencia y descripciones breves de gore.
Episode 1 - Cuervo a Cuervo

    [A hero suddenly comes back to the realm of the living, albeit not in the
way he had
wished. Sid the dummy has awoken from paradise once more but
he is not out
of trouble yet.
    A wannabe necromancer.
    An ominous museum.
    And two young ladies of opposing allegiences and beliefs.
    All of them will fit up the pieces of a convoluted war against
the darkness.

    A Buffyverse themed fanfiction which includes several original
characters in a whole
brand new place.]

    Aces with Love was the first collab of the founders of ZIZAGRIB as part of a commission series. It would be eventually dropped and abandoned, very likely forever, but it's legacy for the formation of the team and new settings is undeniable. We just hope this unofficial work is enjoyed.

    The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to the
creators and showrunners.

Content warnings: Sexual intercourse between human + non-human creatures, religious and historical themes, terror and violence with brief instances of gore.

MAIN STORY [Written by Astopotrotsky]

Episode 1 - Big places for small guys
Episode 2 - Wicked rituals gone wrong!
Episode 3 - The Conundrum
Episode 4 - Fight against the dark
Episode 5 - The Last Waltz Arc [Part I]
Episode 6 -
The Last Waltz Arc [Part II]

             SIDE STORIES

EXTRA - Wood Dick Solid  [Astopotrotsky]
EXTRA - The curse of Chiko, Forgotten Birthday[Astopotrotsky]