Aces with Love
Episode 2 - Wicked rituals gone wrong!

De Ascanio was a different kind of nut to crack. The man had created yet another world of his own - an occultic study of varying degrees of arcana. Merchandise of the most foul sort, supplies that seemed eldritch in nature. It resembled a warehouse of horrors, of a very specific taste. The abnormally high ceiling resembled an atrium. The way it was crafted with a focus on four points and with the actual glass steeple itself that pierced up toward the sky to taunt God in his heaven… had some relation to divine architecture.
The place was made to channel in a copious amount of power. From the elements of the sky above. The glass paneling even emphasized the moon’s partial glow through the blue-dusted clouds onto the center of the room itself. Where the destroyed remains of a human being had yet to be removed, or rather, scraped away.

Surprisingly, Mati did not seem too disturbed by this. As if she had become rather desensitized by the ways of De Ascanio before. She merely blinked and took it all in, ignoring even the intense smell of torn flesh and glistening blood… in fact, Sid realized that the remnants of the corpse had not gone into decay at all.

“Strange. I mean, the whole place is a bit delusional but…” The puppet knelt down at the sigil beneath the decimated organic debris. The arcane circle was likely drawn in the own blood of De Ascanio. He really went the extra mile to try and get ahead here. It was somewhat impressive, if not for the fact it was mostly egoistic postering. “Half the stuff aroun’ ‘im ain’t even real… Look at the quality of the wax on da candles at each sigil-point, all uneven. Not even the same kind or brand…”

“Do those sort of things really matter so much…?” Mati asked, even though the answer was obvious. But usually, she thought of this sort of magic as a type of cooking. It was fine to substitute something that was occasionally a cheaper variant over the expensive brand that was recommended in a recipe. “I guess the ‘Other Side of the Veil’ takes the specifics to heart, huh…?” She joked. It was to be well received.

“Ha! Something like that, ol’ Mati… Looks like something literally took his heart however.” Pointing at the gnarled and eviscerated torso, the gruesome scene was only further emphasized by how the cardiovascular organs were strewn about like confetti in a non-ceremonious matter. “Kept the heart, but cut the veins… someone’s picky. Whoever he was trying to summon, he didn’t turn out to be the right guy.”

“Is… that why the candles and sigil and everything else are so important?” Mati began to understand this more and more. She found herself rather content that Sid proved to be the man that she thought De Ascanio really was. “That makes sense now, doesn’t it…? If all the objects, symbols and items are meant to be conduits for something-”

“Bingo! You get something else if you aren’t careful. You play cheap, bet low but expect to win high and ech!” Sid drew his finger comically across his neck and did his best to contort his face to that of a dying man in pain. “If you try and get a demon from a nickle and dime store, you’re sure as ‘ell not gonna get a full quarter worth of a demon, ya know?”

Pondering, Mati took steps around the sigil that was punctuated by De Ascanio’s non-rotting remains. “He… made me watch a lot of videos. To become desensitized to this sort of thing. Of rituals from all around the world.” Matilde gulped, ashamed to admit that she had followed his instructions on such a thing. As morally dubious as it would prove to be. “Cartel beheadings, instances of brujeria, ritualistic cannibalism and… I endured it. Knowing one day I might come upon De Ascanio… looking like this.”

“This sick joe made ya watch all that stuff? A young girl like yerself?” Visibly disgusted, Sid, kicked what remained of one of De Ascanio’s limbs. However, all it did was make a disgusting, sickly sound as it unstuck itself to the tiled masonry of the floor. Like velcro tearing itself free from another patch. “Bad dogs like this don’t attract bad apples. He prolly saw ya were a good kid, thought he’d keep ya around, just in case he needed a sacrifice…”

“A sacrifice?!” Despite everything, Matilde did not want to consider the possibility that De Ascanio would do such a thing to her. After all, the two of them had gotten along… sort of. “I don’t want to believe that… De Ascanio was strange, maybe even insecure - but a sacrifice?”

“Well, that is what this looks like to me, don’t ya agree?” Shrugging, Sid waved his hands toward the corpse decorations before the two of them. “Ya said he wanted to escape his dying body… well, when ya not so magically inclined, a man has to do what only a man can do.”

Matilde blinked, only partially comprehending that. “What are you saying? That… this is a gender specific sort of thing?”

“Precisely. Magic is very… femme. Very femme fatal. Witches, all that. Not a lot of warlocks, wizards, whatever ya call them. It is very feminine energy. Magic is sexy, ya know?” The eyebrows on the puppet bounced up and down suggestively. Hypnotized by the charm only briefly, Mati shook her head away and glanced toward the rest of the room and its abundance of occultic merchandise. All to hide her blush. “Ay, don’t look away, it is true…”

Looking over De Ascanio’s possessions, all objects that were likely meant to act as conduits, stacked high to each wall and effectively cocooning the man into this ritual… Matilde realized that he was more of a hoarder of magical things, rather than an actual authority on magic. “De Ascanio told me men were the ones capable of the highest form of magic… That women murked it up.”

“Ha! Even an old fashioned guy like me can tell ya that ain’t true. As girly faced as he was, it seemed he was self conscious that magic prolly kept him a bit on the feminine side spiritually himself, ya know?” A bold suggestion, Sid continued to take in the symbols that De Ascanio scribbled. “Another mistake… the guy chalked everything out. Then he did the painting over it in blood. The dummkopf was begging for all of this to go wrong.”

“So.. since De Ascanio was doing his best to escape death, he was trying to find a way to leave the prison of his body and…” Matilde took in a big inhale of air. Meanwhile, Sid motioned her on to try and breathe normally. In, out. In and out. “And since other methods failed… he was trying to summon a demon to make it happen for him?”

“Bingo again, Mati. Ya really are a little witch in trainin’, aren’t ya?” If it was possible, he would have smirked. Instead, Sid gave Mati a look that was more embarrassing than anything else. “Even with a feminine soul, someone like De Ascanio just doesn’t got ‘the stuff’ to pull a body transfer spell off… But he was smart enough to know that if he wished for immortality or somethin’, it would result in him being the one that was possessed… Or his body woulda taken on a form he ‘ated…”

To think, his insecurity had actually lead him here of all places. A bunch of still bleeding guts and flesh loosely connected by some strands of tissue to the bones. Even Sid took pity on the bastard. “I bet the police ‘ad not an idea what to do to ‘im. They prolly told ya all they got rid of the body. It makes sense why everyone would believe that too - not a single stink of decay. Just iron in the air. Phew…”

“You can smell that…? The blood in the air?” Matilde asked, obviously concerned. It was something… unnatural for a dummy.

“Yeah… I can, can’t I?” His eyes widened, looking over his hands. This body was another step to becoming organic in the most awkward way. On the brightside, he was surprised that Matilde at least smelled decent. Like a new book but with something a little like a proper candle. Unlike the cheap knock offs that De Ascanio bought online without thinking. “Well… I promise ya, Matilde, I don’t end up like this schmuck. Turned to goop and discarded by whateva’ he brought in’ta the world.”

Her own heart fluttered at that, in a frightened pause. “You mean… whatever did this to De Ascanio is still in here?” This whole time, while she was working and studying, coping with what had happened - next door, De Ascanio’s killer was lurking about. Watching the gushing remains from a distance.

“Possibly. Don’t be scared tho, demons tend to be a bit cowardly. Especially the kind he was summonin’.” Said Sid, as he examined one of De Ascanio’s eyes. A part of an eyelid still stuck the red-dyed sclera from the trauma that cleaved his face into pieces. Beside the torso was a lower jaw and a ripped up tongue. Still twitching beneath the moonlight. “Men can’t do magic the same way the gals can, as I said before. They gotta sell their souls, sometimes their bodies and make pacts with demons.”

“De Ascanio willingly, knowingly, summoned a demon to kill him…?” It was so hard for Matilde to believe. But she had to accept it as true. De Ascanio knew that sometimes, being suddenly bold was more than enough to get things done. He had tried to teach her that, but she hardly ever really listened. “This was intentional… he made a deal with a demon, to be torn apart and then what? The demon would put his soul in another body?”

A wooden ‘click’ from his fingers as he snapped them toward her. She was learning some ace detective skills, specifically in how to piece things together from the evidence alone. Sid had to give her credit for that. “Right on mark. Demons are pros at possession… The ‘ate that so often, humies get the best steak dinner out of the whole meal. Demons envy that ‘umans have vices, but not all of them are ruled by ‘em, ya know?”

“Morals and ethics… demons lack them, that is what De Ascanio said. That on the other side, they are all jealous and heartless. They can’t live a life with love or anything to do with others. Self serving and miserable…” Matilde wondered if De Ascanio could relate to this. Maybe, even, his words describing the hell-kin being a projection. She was recently taught about such things in psychology class. “A demon doesn’t have to internalize and dictate themselves by ideology to commit evil… they simply are.”

“They really teachin’ this big-thought stuff in schools nowadays? Sheesh… They make it seem so complicated.” The dummy inspected the tip of De Ascanio’s tongue. It had been nailed to the very center of the ritual sigil. “Sometimes, ya gotta keep things simple. Demons ‘ave no idea they are evil, really… they just use that word because they know it spooks the ‘ell outta people.”

“A lot of people in the world today don’t know they are evil…” A rightful exclamation, probably. Matilde had opinions and beliefs of her own, more than just what De Ascanio had tried to impress and groom into her. “Sid…” She trailed off, yearning to intimately ask a personal question on perspective.

“Yeeeeaahsss?” The dummy was busy, but he did find his own intrigue in what was about to be asked. “Say it toots. What’s goin’ on in ya head?”

“Do you think it is true that some people are… just bad? People, I mean. Without any rhyme or reason?”

“Some people are rotten. Sure. But there are a lot more decent folk out there too…” With a sigh, Sid beckoned her near. It was time to get into the literal nitty gritty of what would entail the rest of their investigation. “De Ascanio had a big heart… literally. Lot of his organs are enlarged. Man was truly dyin’ as ya said. Like his body was just ready to kill ‘em.”

The hole in the mutilated torso was just that, a hole into blackness. Unfortunately, despite all the posturing and everything De Ascanio had himself, he was still just a man of bones and organs like anyone else. “Fancy people ‘ave a tendency to dress ‘emselves up… make it ‘em seem they are more than just a handsome face.” Stepping back, Sid took in the whole picture and came to a conclusion. “I was wonderin’ why a guy would put a place like this on an uni’ campus… Matilde. What do you think is beneath our feet, right now?”

A few seconds of silence as she contemplated it. Obviously, he didn’t mean anything too literal. But Mati also assumed it wouldn’t be anything deep or profound. Finally, she confientally had the answer. “Spain!”

“What? No, no, well, yeah, sort of I guess, it is Spain after all - but I mean, literally deep beneath the floor, below our feet.”

“Uhm… fertile soil? Enriched soil? Uhh-”

“A hellmouth.” Sid stated seriously.

“A hellmouth…? Sounds like a band name.” She did not mean to disregard it, Sid could see that much. “B-but go on! What is it, Sid?”

Boca del Infierno, I once was wanderin’ around another one back in the ol’ United States. But these portals - they are like conduits, ya know? Buoys… Like fer radio signals ‘n what not, but for energy that can bend the corporeal realm around the spiritual realm - like a lock a hair around a broad’s finger…” And twice as carelessly, he thought. Sid began pacing. This was all knowledge that no doubt, demon slayers knew - but an amatuer like this gal?     She had so much to learn about how deep it all really went. “Ya see, Mati, I’m guessin’ the people of Spain are a prayin’ people…”

“Uhmm…” She really didn’t have any authority to say, but it was the raw statistical data that came to mind, that she began to explain. “Spain is majority Catholic practicing, at around 58%... many churches.”

“Churches. That is how ya know there is a country with alotta Hellmouths. Whenever those damn things pop up, lotta people get scared - turn to God, turn to the Church. Anythin’ to help.” It was natural of humans to seek out ailments for the wounds the unnatural and perverse would afflict upon ‘em. “A hellmouth, now… these things - are like doorways to another dimension. A big ol’ leak of hell’s sewage. It's a source of magic and other things… Centuries ago, da Church prolly built a university over it to try and seal it all away ‘n it prolly worked.”

His artificial eyes blinked, feeling more wet than they ever should, examining the architecture of the building itself around them from the interior alone. Including the atrium. “De Ascanio rebuilt the atrium… then made a palace out of this ol’ warehouse, didn’t he? The library, maybe ‘is ‘ole damn career… coulda been a cover up to get ‘im where he needed to be. Right here.”

“Below us is a literal portal to hell…?” Matilde asked in a reaffirming way. Of course, she was never a lucky person. She was neither unlucky either. This was the most exciting thing to happen to her since De Ascanio took notice of her. “I’m sorry, it is just… I never expected I’d be involved in anything like this.”

“A normal gal shouldn’t oughta worry about crazy whacko demon crap like this.”

“Is it as bad as it sounds?”

“Not at all…” Sid stated, which surprised Matilde considerably. “De Ascanio was too incompetent to make this ‘ole thing work. A powerful person coulda done some apocalyptic damage wit’ a workshop over the devil’s door, instead… De Ascanio did all dis to come knockin’ and it wasn’t the devil he wanted who answered.”

“Is… the reason his body isn’t decaying, is it because of the hellmouth?” It made sense. The sigil aligned with the atrium above, the framing of the glass making a perfect correspondence - the shadows would have traced the sigil itself. His attempt must have taken place during a full, bright moon. “The hellmouth is sustaining his body somewhat?”

“Yeah… and it is making mine more real.” Sid clenched his fists. He could feel it - as if they were his own in his old life. “But this means… if I find a proppa body - I could do what De Ascanio intended. Put my little soul in a normal body and wait unda’ the hellmouth until it turned me to a nice, walkin’, wise-crackin’, talkin’ tough guy person with flesh again.”

“T-that is great! But, if De Ascanio couldn’t do it, with all of this stuff and circumstances to help him out… how would we even be able to?” A question that she’d regret asking, as Sid gave her a coy look. His face was becoming more human-like in expressiveness. Something she didn’t want to admit. Luckily, she was distracted well enough with the current realization and predicament. “W-what? You really think I can help out in this magic stuff?”

“That is what ya wanted to learn, isn’t it?” He was right. She hated that he was often right.
“It is such a big leap… I’m just a college student, ya know and…” Suddenly, she couldn’t stand the sound of her own voice. Her own whining. Her own inability to do something. Or rather, her willingness to just give up. That is why she said something unexpected, even from her. “I’ll do it. Fine. I am sure De Ascanio has something around here we can use…”

“I didn’t even need to push ya. Yer growin’ up so fast.” Sid wiped away a fake tear. “First thing’s first, we oughta find the body he was plannin’ to enter. He was a vain ol’ dog, he’d want something life size and expressionless. Something he’d want to grow into…”

“Like a giant anatomy mannequin that artists use…” As she recounted this, Matilde turned suddenly. In the darkness, where the moonlight from the atrium above barely did not reach - there was a coffin-sized box covered in a long red blanket. “We… had a large, real-life size one in art class that went missing. It was very flexible, anatomically correct, of course… and so many points of articulation for real-scale studies… I think even the medical students would refer to it from time to time.”

“Sheesh, the guy tryna turn himself into real art, huh?” Sid trailed behind as Matilde cautiously began to approach the concealed box. She was taking her sweet time, as if she was expecting De Ascanio to burst out of it at any step toward it, at any moment. “Don’t worry, I don’t think the demon that tore ‘im to pieces bothered to fulfill its side of the deal…” Although, even Sid felt like this part of the building was ominous and creepy.

Opened crates and boxes, all sorts of puppets and humanoid apparatuses. It was almost as if someone had robbed the place. Or De Ascanio had frantically gone through things, looking for a specific part or another. With the abundance of junk this guy imported in, both real and obscene and also fake and purely replica, movie prop nonsense - the guy had enough wood to build a house.

“Eghhh… a bit of poor taste, I’ll admit.” Matilde was outright offended that De Ascanio had a war-time flag from a less than reputable country of the Axis powers during WWII over the box. The ‘blanket’ from before was exactly that. A red fabric of infamy and nationwide shame for Germany. Complete with a long controversial symbol. “De Ascanio… collected a lot of war memorabilia. Especially since the Germans at the time, had a long standing association with occultic practices…”

Discarding it to the side, the box laid before the two of them. Its age was evident, or at the very least, it looked like it had seen a better few centuries. “Jeez-louise, looks like they dug this outta crypt in Transylvania…” Sid rubbed his head, the thing looked outright cursed. “Maybe give whatever is inside a courtesy knock…? Ya know, just in case there is an ancient undead aristocrat in there or somethin’...”

“Sure, sure… I will.” Matilde absolutely did not want to do that, but she brought her fingers together and knocked on the coffin’s lid. No reply. Not even a scamper from a rat or mouse inside. It sounded almost hollow. Gulping, she held her breath and grabbed the latch. No lock or chain keeping it secure. “Okay, I’m going to do it.”


“I’m… definitely going to do it now, Sid.”


“Sid, maybe you should-”

“Doll-face, just open the damn box, for cryin’ out loud…”

Sid was right. There was no going back. She’d have no way to anticipate what was hidden inside. Throwing all caution to the wind, Matilde opened the coffin to a sudden roar. A hue illumination of vermillion red tauntingly leaped out - as if the Hellmouth was in fact here. As if a well straight to hell had been uncovered and the essence of evil itself had manifested in rays of blinding redness.

The crimson casting would dispensate with a low quality, royalty free horror-sting soundtrack that flooded the room. The animatron hidden within would yelp “Bleh! Bleh!” in a painfully stereotypical manner. The arms of the robotic dracula would move up and down, his mouth opening and closing almost mockingly as his mechanical eyebrows bounced in all directions.

The stake through his heart would comically protrude in and out, as if he was being actively stabbed by an invisible force. The cobwebs and dust made Matilde and even Sid cough. The Halloween decoration continued to spurt out its obnoxious noises and voice clips, all while Matilde tried to close the case - but it had been lodged open from the force she pried it with.

“This damn stupid decoration… thing!” Mati cursed, all while Sid stood back having a chuckle at her. “De Ascanio kept buying nonsense like this! He’d find something online with an eye-catching title and he’d buy it, without realizing it was a prop or-”

“Holiday lawn decoration?” Asked Sid, as he read the coffin’s description on the side. ‘Life Like Dracula Holiday Lawn Decoration - perfect for Halloween!’ “Ridiculous, how much ya think yer boss-man bought this for, chicky?”

“Too much, that is for sure…” The disappointed Mati was at ease, even though the animatronic did scare her at first. “Wait, did you hear that…?” Her ears visibly perked and twitched at the sound of something nearby. Like steel being scraped against concrete.
“What? The music and offensive transylvanian accent from that speaky-box?! Or what?!” Holding his ears, Sid felt what was like an actual thump against organic eardrums in his head. This was getting to be too much. His proximity to the Hellmouth was making his eyes start to water as well.

“No, there is something-”

There was something above them. Stirred and awoken by the music. From the top of the wall of lined boxes, that ‘thing’s’ bladed appendage had reached down and taken a swipe at Matilde’s neck. Luckily, Sid had spotted it just in time. Despite his small stature, he was able to jump up and grab Mati by her legs, hugging her thighs tightly.

“Get down!”

As the two tumbled over from Sid’s tackle, the blade from the dark still glanced Matilde’s left clavicle. The slice had torn through her sweater and vest, a small torrent of blood managed to coarse from the rupture. It was an extremely painful cut, a laceration like that was hardly fatal - but Sid could tell it had scraped her collar bone.

“Ahh! W-what was that?! It hurts!!” Mati was yelping, cupping the wound as best as she could. “W-was that a knife?!”

“Hold your wound tight!” Instructed Sid. Remarkably, his small frame managed to grip the bottom hem of her skirt and rip a strip of it away. Bundling and folding it over several times, he made a small patch for the time being. “Stick this close to the cut!”

Without thinking, Matilde did as he instructed. Holding the coarse cloth against the wound, while it hardly did much to stop it - it proved to be better than just letting the blood force itself around her fingers.

Grabbing the wooden stake from the dracula decoration, Sid gripped it and began looking around. Knowing that their attacker would be close by, somewhere. But he didn’t expect it to still be above.

Leaping down, the hidden enemy finally closed the Dracula-prop casket and beckoned them all with silence. Without the red ambient lights, this side of the room was still dark. No doubt, Sid was able to see that the perpetrator was likely the artificial body that Matilde had described - that was stolen from the school premises.

But something had happened to it. Its shape was far from human, as if it was mutated. The glistening of moonlight upon the blades it had attached to its limbs like additional digits barely made anything more than the silhouette visible.

It lurched, painfully, from the top of the coffin and toward the downed Matilde girl. The staggering movement had betrayed any illusion that this was a true humanoid. It might have the body of an anatomically correct person, but it was modified through an archaic series of self-modifications. Sessions of the most macabre sort.

A bucket shaped, horse-like head - that had several voodoo-dolls and shrunken heads nailed to it like a swarm of eyes. The head was adorned with a blackened mop of black hair, potentially a wig taken from another dummy or potentially even a Japanese theater mask.

The head was horned - two bloodied ribs from De Ascanio’s corpse aimed toward the ceiling. It had an additional set of arms, each one grasping a blade of some sort. Ceremonial Aztec origins for one, a Vietnam-war era American KA-BAR for another, the third had a glaive prop replica of something a Klingon would carry on Star Trek and its dominant right hand - a brand new Japanese fruit-cutting knife.

That one in particular, had a crimson smear from Mati’s wound upon it. As well as curled tendrils from the fabric of her sweater vest. It made Sid angry - knowing this abomination had carved up Matilde’s body. If not for Sid, that blade could have slit her throat wide open.

The otherwise nudebody of the walking humanoid, possessed mannequin - was wrapped tightly in some blood-stained, black ceremonial robbing. Likely, it hid other surprises and weapons underneath. A faint buzzing was heard, in fact. One that made Sid even more cautious.

“Ay, the world is a big place but not enough for the two of us, ya ugly buster…” Sid’s grip could barely hold the stake, but he still brought it up in defense of himself and Matilde, who was currently crawling away from the sight of this abomination, shrieking.

“Sid! What is that thing!”

“I don’t know, but it looks like the demon De Ascanio summoned found a new body of its own… and has been playing with ya old boss’s things. A proper wicked wicker boy, here…”     Knowing that it would go after Mati again, Sid taunted the bladed-beast of wood. “Come on, ya horse-faced bastard! Imma show ya what an old demon slaya’ can still do!”

The strange… ‘thing’ hissed at him, like steam escaping an overworked boiler. The bastard raised its hand and swiped down with the fruit-cutting knife. Sid was quick to catch the blade with the body of the stake, only for it to be sliced clean through.

“What the?!” As he hopped back, Sid examined the utensil. “Shit… it's a hunk of plastic, a piece of junk prop like the rest of that toothy-guy’s casket!” It was very embarrassing to admit. Quickly, the useless stub was discarded. Sid had no option but to try and fight him, man to man. Fisticuffs style.

“Come on, put ‘em up!” Promptly, Sid raised his own tiny hands and was swinging like a professional boxer hitting hung meat in a freezer. Just like in the movies. However, a single swipe from one of the bladed-puppet’s arms knocked him right over like a bowling pin. “Okay! You win that round!” Pained, Sid grasped his side as he stood up again. Or tried to at least.

He was dizzy, of all things. A damned dummy, being dizzy? It was ridiculous, but he fell down and felt like he had a long night drinking with no water. “Mati… run girl!” All he could do was warn her, but Matilde was backed up against another array of loaded-up surplus shelves. “Yo-you can do it! Just get up and run!

It can't end here. Not like this. Come on, Sid. Ya gotta get up. Fight the good fight. You never gave up before, why now? There’s a damn demon right in front of ya, walking toward her now… Ya gotta get up. Ya gotta be the mensch you truly are. Get up, man. Ya schmuck, get up!

    Sid berated himself, but he was still woozy on his feet. By the time he was up again, he had nearly dipped right over - as if his head was suddenly full of heavy concrete. “Get out of here!”

“I-I can’t!” Matilde was frozen in fear. Still grasping at her wound and watching as the puppet-body-abomination loomed closer. “W-who are you?! Is that you Mr. De Ascanio?!”

“Mr. De Ascanio…?” An inhuman voice asked from within the wooden body. A voice distorted, as if it had been a whisper between the crumbling of coal or simply mishearing words in the sounds of a hand shifting through soil. Indeed, it was something not truly corporeal. Vocal cords hidden within a deeply buried casket. “There is no Mr. De Ascanio any longer… I ripped him to a bunch of messes.

Tears of pain and fear had welled in Matilde’s eyes. She gasped as the creature stood on its legs tall above her. Still holding its blades, it pulled back the dark, occultic robings to reveal its body underneath. Like a crude pair of breasts, a large typewriter sized music box was fastened to the chest.

It began to wind up by itself and what came forth of it was the oddly inappropriate ‘All I Ask Of You’ from the Phantom of the Opera. The condition of the box had long decayed. Rusted pins on the rotating cylinder plucked the steel comb’s tuning teeth - many of them having been broken or shaved down from use. The tune was nearly demonic in sound.

All of this managed to distract Mati from the pelvis region of her attacker. The vibrating sound that Sid heard before was clearly coming from this source. A grotesquely large phallus, so pink that it was visible in the darkness, had confronted Mati’s face - just inches away from her.

The vibrating strap-on harness was fastened tightly to the demon’s wooden pelvic girdle. Studded with bulbs and various ribbing, Mati blushed at it involuntarily. Why would De Ascanio have such a devious sex toy in his personal workshop and ritual room? And why was this demon, that had possessed and fastened itself with all of De Ascanio’s belongings, wearing it so shamelessly?

The truth of the inevitable was absolutely mortifying. Matilde’s eyes widened. “Y-you can’t be serious. You can just stab me! Or cut my throat!” Being killed was one thing, but to be raped by an abomination of your former teacher’s trinkets and other unfortunate purchases? That was crueler than death. But Mati had nowhere else to crawl to.

“Don’t worry, girlie… I plan to do that anyways to you after the first round. As for the second…” The demon-doll stepped back, lowered itself like a fox hunting its prey - before it teased at her legs with a blade. Hoping that to avoid being cut, Mati would spread her legs open for it almost voluntarily. “For round two, blood will be an efficient lubricant…”

Outside, a concession of car doors being closed had caught the demon’s attention. “Huh?!” One of its hands slammed against the music box on its chest, stopping it with a loud springing-sound. “The toy soldiers have finally come out to play…”

The demon slinked back, jumping onto the wall of boxes and then - it climbed into the darkness above. All while the sound of men outside, progressing rapidly with booted feet toward the main entrance that was otherwise locked - Sid had pulled himself up and was on his feet again. Miraculously.

“Listen toots, you are going to need to hide!” He warned, an ominous feeling had overtaken him. This whole situation was a lot more serious than he’d ever thought. “Come on, hurry!”

“I just don’t know what I am supposed to do here, Sid! That thing nearly raped me and I’m, I’m bleeding and-” No. She thought. Sid did everything he could to protect me. I need to prove I am capable of protecting myself too. “I th-think this box in the corner is empty…” She glanced over to her right, where there was indeed - a crate that had been left ajar. Broken open at some point. Possibly by the demon-doll.

“Get in there! Even if it's full of something all scratchy!” Sid waved her on, all while keeping his eye toward the door. Some additional sounds were heard from the smaller workshop that they had entered through earlier. “Damn, there’s more guys comin’ from the inside too! They prolly got people swarmin’ the library…”

“Guys?! What other guys do you mean?!” The ever frightened Mati asked, as she lifted the wooden lid to the crate and found that it was in fact empty. Unfortunately, the bottom was packed with less than comfortable wood chips. Regardless, she stepped into it with one foot already. Fearing what else could have possibly intruded on them tonight. In a way, Mati almost felt like this was deserved - as they were the ones intruding on the unfortunate site of De Ascanio’s demise. “Sid, what are you going to do?!”

“Don’t worry about me kid, the cavalry just arrived… stay put and stay safe, ya hear!” Warned Sid, by that point, Mati had already hidden herself inside of the crate and pulled the top over to cover her hiding spot. She heard Sid shifting around and finally, everything was silent. But anticipating the worst, she covered her mouth to capture her own screams in case something loud happened.

She was right to do so. The doors that were blocked off from the outside were blown open with a small charge. The church-like doors had become chunks of wood and splinters that now populated the floor just near the botched-ritual site. Heavy chunky, feet began to march in from both the outward entrance and the workshop’s secret entrance.

A coordinated movement, done by professionals. These men were soldiers, but of what denomination and practice - it was hard to tell. It was unlikely they were mercenaries or official soldiers of the government. The biggest tell all was that they were speaking English to one another, in a variety of languages. Mati could tell that there were six in total, as they all counted themselves off once they regrouped in the room. Only two of them spoke with Spanish accents.

“Blitz, this is where the Hellmouth is, no doubt. EMF readings are going off the charts.” One soldier said to their unit leader. Nearby, Sid was able to spy on them from a stationary position. It was remarkable how far militaries had come since his age. Especially if these guys were some paramilitary goons and not the true feds.

They wore black uniforms with gear to match. Thigh-drop holsters with side arms of a German make and model. Their rifles and submachine guns, too, were from H&K firearms in Germany. The best law-enforcement and special forces-graded tactical weapons that any force could buy. Their helmets were a neutral gray and the five men and one woman’s faces were obscured in black balaclavas. For eye-protection, it looked like they cheaped out for some ski-goggles.

Not a single bit of skin was showing otherwise, these guys were professionals. Their helmets were adorned with mounts for next-gen night vision goggles, although they were not yet in use. On their arms were specific unit patches. These guys in particular wore a dark red number 9, stylized as a grim-reaper with a psyche - likely their unit mascot.

“Smithers, Flake and Choke. Sweep out and investigate the EMF readings.” The man named Blitz had given the order. Soon after, he’d reaffirm what his own unit of three was about to do. “Monroe and Beser will hold the perimeter here with me. I will also call in and tell command we’re inside.”

There was no verbal affirmation from either of them. Only a nod and quickly, the team of three - composed of Smithers, Flake and Choke, began to move past the ritual-site and where the Dracula casket was. Where the true mayhem of just before had taken place.

Blitz called into his command via the radio-comm headset that was integrated with his combat helmet. “TAC team to TOC, this is Reaver Team 9-Actual. TAC team is on site and investigating the disturbance at SpecLoc 21.” The orders he received gave him the go ahead to lead the mission as he saw fit. “TAC team to TOC, we will proceed in accordance to our mission parameters. TAC team to TOC, this is Reaver Team 9 out.”

The commander ended the transmission and looked over his shoulder toward his two immediate-unit members. “Monroe, on the body - tell me what you see. Keep holding the perimeter by the door - Beser.” The only female in the group complied immediately, while Beser stacked up on the door they just blew in.

Monroe approached with her gun at the ready, just in case. Moving heel to toe silently as they all did, she paused and knelt down just outside of the bloodied sigil. “Blitz, can confirm these are the remains of De Ascanio, just as we read in the report. Looks like his organic tissue is being sustained by the vicinity of the Hellmouth.”

“Copy that, Monroe. Any chance Mr. De Ascanio there is still a nice vibrant face for the community?”

“Unlikely, Blitz. Subject lacks sentience. Any twitching is just the nerves being sustained and jolting about from the continued circulation of their last action. His corpse is stuck on a loop, even when spread apart like this.” Monroe stood up, securing her position over the sigil. “Looks like he summoned someone nasty.”

Blitz chuckled. “Yeah, well. We’re the guys that deal with nasty things.” Looking over to the other unit, he gave a quick call out. “Hey, Smithers, how is it looking over there - Flake is not flaking out, is he?”

“Lookin’ good, boss.” Smithers replied. They had cleared the room and confirmed no immediate hostiles, otherwise - they would have engaged them. “Moonlight is not reaching here. We’re going to activate NODs and go green-light.”

With that order, Smithers, Flake and Choke brought their night vision devices down from the mounts and over their eyes. Choke coughed into his arm as he felt his eyes almost be tickled by the sudden screens of light. “The moonlight from the other side of the room is causing a harsh bounce-contrast. We’re moving to thermals.”

“Shit, I hate thermals…” Flake complained. Twisting a knob on the side of his goggle-rig. An audible ping followed as the green-night vision shifted suddenly to thermal imaging. “Damn, it must be unnaturally cold in here. I spot a lot of blue spaces.”

“Can confirm…” Choke weaseled out sheepishly.

“What is inside all of these boxes? Some of them seem to have heat signatures…”

Inside the crate, still hiding, Mati was horrified at the prospect of these people finding her. If only there was a way to hide her signature somehow. But it was impossible. Especially since she was flustered and breathing.

“Ignore heat signatures in the crates along the walls. De Ascanio apparently was a collector of some spooky stuff…” The second-in-command Smithers explained. “Guy was a bloody yank with the way he spent his money. A whole bunch of these are self-heated sex dolls…”

“You’re kidding me…” Flake wondered just how the hell he always got missions like this. “I heard about them though, they say they naturally generate heat through micro-electric pulses. Supposed to be super realistic.”

“You know a lot about these dolls, I think, Flake…” Smithers teased.

“Man, fuck you. It got lonely back at that operation in Camden.” Something suddenly caught Flake’s eye within the thermal vision. “We had some activity here. There’s fresh blood by that casket-shaped object.”

“Copy that…” Approaching it first, Smithers took some cautionary steps toward it. “Might be residual from the night of De Ascanio’s death. The hellmouth is probably keeping his blood from congealing too…”

“Whoa-” Choke alerted the team with some surprising news. “We got a spike of electro-magnetic activity near that casket. Radiating from it even.” He had temporarily moved his goggles upward to examine a small-tablet like device that was fastened to his non-shooting hand, on the inner wrist.

“Looks like goddamn Halloween decoration to me.” The surprisingly astute Flake remarked. “But the casket does have a heat signature - or at least, something with a heat signature had been bothering it earlier.

“Copy that, I’m going to take a look.” Being the bravest of them all, Smithers began to move toward it. Moments like these were why his two teammates had cowardly nicknames like Flake and Choke.

“Okay, Flake - get close and cover me. Choke - keep searching for EMF readings and try not to shoot yourself in the foot.”

“Roger, captain…” Obviously, Choke didn’t like his nickname or his reputation too much either. Walking along the wall of crates and shelves, the tablet of his began to ping louder and louder. “I got another reading over here… Might be faulty wiring. Old buildings like this have a lot of that sort of shit. An old fuse box can even generate sizable electro-magnetic fields…” One time, Choke was running around an old building ‘chasing ghosts’, as he thought. In reality, he was running around like a chicken with its head cut off - chasing the pings down from a damaged light fixture installation in the building they were investigating.

“I swear man, this better not be like that Berlin job…” Complained Flake, as he watched Smithers temporarily sling his rifle over his shoulder and approach the casket. “Getting cold feet all of a sudden, Smithers?”

“Fuck off man, its just the fact you are watching…” The two snickered at that. “It's like when we were camping that one time… I couldn’t piss because you were standing behind me, watching.”

Flake shrugged it off. “I had to go too. And you found a good spot to do it at.” After a nod, Flake got into a firing position and aimed at the casket. “Open that bitch up. Good thing we have silencers, or else this would wake the whole neighborhood up more than that door charge did…”

“I feel like Van-fucking-Helsing, right now.” Grasping the corner of the casket’s lid, Smithers gave it a pull and… were greeted with animatronic dracula.

It sprung to life with the same sounds, music and red flashing lights that had tormented Sid and Matilde earlier. Inside the crate, Matilde had to contain her laughter.

“Huh? You hear that?” Asked Smithers, closing the lid down hard and thus, bringing them all back into the eerie silence. “Dammit, I bet this place is haunted all to hell too… This guy probably bought a bunch of children’s skeletons from Argentina or something.”

Meanwhile, Choke’s tablet pinged hard as he passed something on a shelf. “Hold up, I got something.” He traced his steps and backed up a bit, before lifting his goggles all the way up and examining… a stationary ventriloquist dummy sitting beside a box on the shelving. “Huh, looks like that dummy that was missing from the library exhibit…” His eyes exchanged focus between the tablet and the dummy that was illuminated briefly by the device’s glow.

“I don’t think it's anything paranormal… just creepy.” Ever since that one operation from before, he was always skeptical of the EMF reader. Electromagnetic Fields were often associated with the presence of spirits, but this looked like any other creepy doll that was hanging around back here. “There must be a breaker box behind it or something…” As Choke reached out to move Sid, the dummy’s eyes involuntarily clicked toward him.

Gasping, Choke jumped back. “Holy shit!” He declared as he raised his gun toward Sid. “The damn thing just moved-”

Before he could continue reporting in, a large crate from above had been pushed onto Flake. The wood crashed and splintered all around him, but the man seemed far from okay. “Flake just got knocked out!” Smithers reported, aiming up high.

“Whatever is up there, it doesn’t have a heat signature!” His finger was prodding at the trigger, ready to fire at any moment.

“Shit, pull back and regroup with Blitz!” The suggestion from Choke was sound, even if a bit cowardly. When he brought his attention back to Sid - he found that the dummy was gone. “No way…”

Meanwhile, Blitz wasn’t just going to sit around and watch his men get toyed with any more. “Reaver 9, go hot and engage!” He moved in to assist and provide additional support to Smithers as he pulled Flake’s unconscious body from the wooden debris. “Monroe! On me! Beser - stay on the door!”

Shrugging, disappointed he wasn’t going to get in on the action, Beser watched as Monroe got to link up with the boss and here he was - watching a shattered door. “Bunch of bullshit, I never get to shoot the demons…”

Now free from the large pallets of wood that had crushed him, Flake returned to consciousness, coughing through his mask. “What the hell hit me?!”

“A box of all your desires and dreams, God delivered it to you personally.” Joked Smithers as he pulled his comrade back up to his feet.

“Thanks man, I knew you always got my back-” As Flake was responding, something heavy and seemingly blacker than black, lacking a heat signature of any sort - landed behind him. A blade was shoved from the back of his neck, through his vertebrae and bulged out his adam’s apple. Soon, his throat was spitting out consistent squirts of blood that drained all over Smithers’ masked face and optics.

“Shit! Shit!” Smithers had to shrug off his dying friend, who fell forward and tried to hold onto him. “My optics are covered in blood, going to natural light!” Flipping his NVGs off, Smithers had to watch as Flake became a pool of glistening plasma beneath him.

“Smithers, get your head in the game and engage!” Blitz ordered. By now, a concession of rounds were being fired at the black mass that was darting all around. The soldiers were careful not to flag one another with their rifles and accidentally shoot one another. Even while their weapons had silencers, the room was defeaned with the sound of loud whip-like cracks and bullets turning into shrapnel-debris upon hitting the walls and other crates. “It doesn’t have a heat signature! Repeat, it doesn’t have a heat signature!”

“Bullshit! If it's a demon, it should be hotter than a normal-body!” Choke called out, rapidly moving toward the rest of his team when something bit his leg. A spare round that had ricoheted off of a metal bracket from a shelf. “Watch your fucking fire! A ricochet just went through my calf!” Dropping to one knee, Choke grasped his bleeding leg when heard something slither beside him.

“Oh no…” The soldier was grabbed from behind and dragged, kicking and screaming behind a crate on the ground level. “Aghh! Aghh! It got me! It-” He called out in vain, as the replica glaive was pierced through his face and twisted around in a gnarly fashion. A spray of blood and teeth scattered across the floor and also painted a terrible picture on the nearby wall.

“Oh my god - they killed Kenny!” Smithers knew it was improper to call a teammate by his actual first name in an operation like this, but he had known Kenny Krasovic since their own stint in the army together. “That bastard!”

“Keep it together, people!” Blitz ordered, they were practically shooting at shadows. “Whatever this thing is, it doesn't have a heat signature apparently… it must be possessing one of the dolls!” Something warm had just sprung itself into Blitz’s face. The enemy knew that by disabling their optics and dirtying their goggles, it would gain the advantage.

“Blitz is combat ineffective!” Monroe called out. Her voice was soft but hardly feminine. A soft spoken elite, if there ever was one. While Blitz tried to wipe the red that stained his goggles off and soaked at the mouth of his mask, effectively waterboarding him - Monroe was on the prowl. “It's attacking from above and below! It doesn’t want to face us on ground level!”

Beser had enough of this, he left his position and stormed into relief Blitz. “Get back, commander! I got this!”

“Beser?! You goofy motherfucker, get back in position!” Blitz had removed his helmet and mask, he was back in the fight - if even for a minute.

Unfortunately, it was not so easy for Smithers. On his tactical retreat back to the main force, something stabbed him in the side from behind - bypassing his plate carrier and tactical rigs entirely. “Gahh! Gahh!” His lungs began to fill with blood and soon as he collapsed forward, something grabbed his helmet from behind - lifting his head up. Smither’s vulnerable throat was ripped open like a peeled and split orange as an aztec blade - repeatedly stabbed him at his vitals.

Mayhem had completely taken over the scene and soon, Monroe’s magazine was empty. “Changing mag!” Hitting the mag release and reaching into her carrier for another stick-o’-rounds, she didn’t even realize something had sliced her fingers off. Pathetically, her bleeding nubs dabbed at the magazines on her rig and before she knew it - something had gashed her across the face.

Collapsed to the ground, Blitz was first to try and help her. “I got you, I got you, don’t worry-” He beckoned, reaching for her when he was stopped by the haunting sound of a grinding music box. “The hell is that?!” Looking into the darkness, the blood-soaked glistening blades charged.

What Beser saw when he went to respond to the attack would scar him forever. Monroe had been damn near decapitated and a KA-BAR knife had pinned Blitz’s hand to his chest. “My god, no…”

Beser held a hand up to his mask, trying not to vomit at the sight of the demon-puppet skull-fucking the bleeding eyesocket of his commander, Blitz. The man was still gasping his last breaths of air before the giant phallus crushed into his skull and penetrated his brain-basket.

“A pretty song… isn’t it?” The demon asked and chuckled. Sounding like a box of nails and rocks being shaken. “It has been a long time since I got to play and have this much fun with people’s bodies~”

“Prepare to eat lead, baby!” Beser’s bad-ass action hero line fell short when the demon-bot quickly grabbed the severed head of Monroe and punted him clean in the chest with it. It made Beser fall back and fumble with his comrade’s head before he pissed his pants and crawled back. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He cursed.

And now, as he was off guard - the possessed mass of parts trailed on toward Beser, who was too afraid to even raise his gun in defense. Sid had no choice but to get involved. He thought the soldier-boys would spare well enough against the demon. But whatever De Ascanio had brought into the world, it was something unlike anything he had ever seen.

“Ain’t no joy in looting a dead soldier…” Sid remarked as he was just barely able to retrieve a submachine gun from Flake’s body. “Your country salutes you, uhhh… wherever ya from, my guy.”

These demonslayers went out fighting like heroes, Sid was going to ensure it was not in vain. Luckily, guns may have advanced a lot since his time, but the philosophy remained simple. Aim and fire. “Hey, doll boy!” He mocked ironically.

“What is it…” The demon stopped in its pursuit of Beser, after it had just stood over him and was prepared to cleave his throat to pieces. “Compensating for something… little guy?”

“I’ll show you a little guy…” Sid propped the submachine gun against his hip and used most of his whole hand to pull the trigger. “Say ‘goodnight’ to my little friend here…” A burst of bullets erupted from the gun in full auto, however - the recoil was enough to send Sid right on his ass. It wasn’t too spectacular.

But, luckily, most of the rounds managed to hit their mark. The demon-dummy looked out right hurt as it took a dozen or so rounds that splintered into its body. Sounding like an entire tree had been fed into a wood chipper. “Gahh!” It screeched, running away on all fours and outside through the destroyed door. The cowardly thing retreated coated in the blood of brave men.

“I should have stayed covering the door…” Beser was pissed at himself, but now he was on his feet and pursuing the monster onto campus. “You coward! Get back here! Get back here!” He yelled at it, as it ran across to the courtyard. Nearby, a four door SUV vehicle in black with blank plates was parked with the engine still idling.

“I’ll get you…” Beser stopped, knowing that before he could pursue that demon, he had to do something about the other doll. Even if it did help him. “Dammit, shit!” He cursed, turning around with a facing movement and pounding the grass as he sprinted back.

Inside, Mati had tilted the crate forward, knocking it and herself over with a loud crash.

“Sid! Sid, are you okay?!” She called out, crawling and looking around frantically. “I-In the name of God, oh my…” Even in the darkness, the glow of the moonlight from the atrium nearby still showed the silhouettes of gutted, eviscerated and tormented bodies.

“W-what could have done something like this…” She asked out loud.

“Don’t worry about that, look at you!” Sid pushed the gun aside, as it had pinned him to the ground for a moment. He ran over and stopped just a meter away. “That’s… looking bad…” Matilde’s entire arm was drenched in red.

“What about-” Mati was cut off with the sound of heavy boots yet again entering. Panting, the soldier named Beser stood before them in complete battle-rattle. His chest heaving and his gun being ready to fire if he had to.

The two of them were barely visible, but Beser was smart enough to see now that the doll was somehow helping this girl. And… it did get that demon off his own back. Lowering his weapon, he grasped a small pack from his tactical belt and unclipped it.

Sid took a few steps forward, putting himself between the soldier and the girl. Beser tossed him a black pouch with a red cross fastened on it.

“That’s an IFAK… it has medical supplies and instructions inside on how to use it.” Beser announced. Sounding and looking like the hero he tried to be earlier.

Which still was hard to take seriously with the front of his trousers being visibility wet underneath the patch of moonlight that did make it into the room. “I’m going to track down and kill…” He pointed to the corpses all around them. “Whoever or whatever the fuck did this to my guys…”

With a huff, he turned and was already heading out to the car again. “There are other IFAKs on the corpses, if they aren’t too torn up…” One foot out the doorway, he said one last passing thing before he left entirely, leaving the two alone. “You can help… if not, stay the hell out of my way.”

“What a tough ass… For a kid with wet drawers.” Sighed Sid, looking back to Matilde. “Let’s get you patched up, chick. This night just got a hellova lot more wild… ya hear? And you need to be in some tip top shape for some demon-huntin’...”

Continue to Episode 3