Aces with Love
Episode 4 - Fight against the dark

    This was hardly something that could be easily discussed over tea. Yet, somehow, that is what more or less was happening. A small table, often used exclusively for snacks and the like - had been utilized as a barrier between the two. Mati felt like this was a police interrogation, more than a friendly correspondence with her dorm mate.
There were honestly so many ways this could have gone. And really, this was bound to happen eventually. Anything that is kept in the dark will fight against that same dark that concealed it. For everything sought the comfort of light. The need for recognition and validation was a fundamental part of causality. Fate itself would not allow merely people to experience this - but events, too, had a nearly sentient urge to reveal themselves.
Matilde and Cecilia were calm and collected when it came to this confrontation. Time was of the essence, but there was time to spare for what Cecilia had suspiciously referred to as ‘recon’. In a purely military context, that was the act of gaining tangible intel on an enemy force, Matilde had let her mind linger on the subject to that very conclusion. Cecilia did not seem so suspicious before, but that nearly timid and bashful nature of her’s had been replaced with a cold, steely confidence.
Thankfully, Mati was not doing this alone. Beside her, with their legs practically touching as they sat on her bed, was none other than Sid. This was far from his first ‘sit down’, he had declared earlier. Meanwhile, it was surprisingly Cecilia who maintained the position of dominance. Sat promptly in a fully ascended computer chair, her hands sat patiently on her knees.
“This is a very awkward thing to encounter. I had meant to catch you in an entirely different act.” Admitted Cecilia. She was a bit of a prude, always, even though she had enjoyed some odd things here and there that did not always meet her brand of moralism. Her and Matilde always had a solid correspondence, so frankly, it could have been much worse. “I have been aware of your close ties to the occultist De Ascanio for a while now. It was the very reason the school assigned us together in the same dorm, after all.”
“Ya got to be kiddin’ me.” Sid was the first to find some objection to all of this. His wooden eyelids blinked audibly. “This feels like entrapment, ya know? Aren’t yer types supposed to entrap the demons and the like?”
“Wait… you have some affiliation to the school?!” She did not want her question to be left unheard - Matilde quickly and loudly asserted herself. “I knew there was a strong religious institute to it all… Given that it was funded by so many people of different denominations, but is this really some honey-pot for the Vatican?”
“That is what it sounds like, Mati-girl…” The little body of Sid managed to sigh and lower his shoulders with a remarkably human-like articulation. Something that Cecilia noticed right away. “Ya got played, sorry to say… if I knew this was some fancy, Church-supported school, I woulda-known! I just thought all schools around here had uniforms… Twas how it was in my day. Keepin’ everyone proper and apart of the community.”
“The school was initially secularized, but had since fallen into the hands of various Church authorities again. The intent was always to do it under various denominations, for the Vatican actually runs several misinformation operations through some of these ‘communities’, I guess you can call them.” All of this was spoken so eagerly by Cecilia. It was almost like she assumed these two would be dead by the end of the night and that there was no point in holding anything back. “The school is home to several associates of the Holy See. De Ascanio, while incompetent in many ways - truly was great at organizing various artifacts and finding which ones were… valid or not.”
Matilde wanted to faint. A realization of it all had struck her so suddenly, she felt out right sick. But before she could accept the reality that viciously manifested into her thoughts, she had to confirm it first.
“De Ascanio… you were using him as an archivist and antiquarian this entire time? Like he was just… some middle man?” Despite everything De Ascanio had done to her, Mati felt like she had to defend him. Even Sid had no idea where this was coming from, but he wasn’t too surprised. Mati saw nothing but good in others, even a near non-human such as himself. Luckily, despite Matilde was entirely blinded by empathy, she obviously knew that De Ascanio had to be stopped. “The Holy See had enabled a man like him to do dangerous things… I am sure you know what is going on here, as of late?”
“Of course.” Cecilia exhaled softly. She wanted this to be as delicate as possible. “I wish to correct you, however. The Church did not manipulate De Ascanio, merely… De Ascanio manipulated you. His role as an occultist professor was primarily a cover. A character, a persona. The man you knew is less a person and more a picture, something that had been crafted meticulously to be discredited.”
“What a scandal! It has corruption painted all over it!” Sid was not going to take this sitting down. Although, he was going to keep sitting down, physically at least. The bed had become rather comfortable. “That ass De Ascanio was just your character, huh? And you got a real man to be an actor for it? Then why did he go off the tracks with his crazy train, dollie?”
A half frown formed on Cecilia’s face. Mati cleared her throat. It was terrible enough that Cecilia had walked in at the time she did, but was also quick to discern what was really going on. The mortification of being caught with a possessed ventriloquist dummy was going to haunt Matilde until the day she died and even then, it would follow her shamefully into the next life - wherever souls went. Yet, seeing Cecilia contain genuine rage over being called ‘dollie’ was something akin to that initial embarrassment.
“De Ascanio is a peculiar case. He was meant to fulfill a very specific role and he did it very well. In the past few years, he began to play his character a little too close to heart. The intent from the beginning was for him to always be seen as an eccentric story-teller, a liar - a fraud. He was always conscious about how many genuinely magical things the Vatican sent him would be categorized by him, but outside of the Holy See, the world would only know a gross parody.” Explained Cecilia. Sid nodded his head and went along with it. Now it made a little more sense.
“He was like a double agent, almost. Got in too deep and then pow! He socked everyone in the kisser with a backhand - he bit the hand that fed him and then they in the goons to clean it all up!” It was a good guess on Sid’s part that the soldiers that intervened had a certain payroll written in Latin or Italian. Cecilia would prove him wrong with just a concerned glance. “What? Ya lookin’ at me like I’m entirely wrong, arentcha? Thought I hit it right on the head!”
“Those ‘goons’ we discussed earlier… you said they were men in modern tactical gear? With rifles?” Cecilia cocked her head curiously. This was not at all the MO of the Vatican’s Counter-Miracle Corps. “They are not affiliated with the Church. They are an unaffiliated organization, sticking their combat boots into where they do not belong. Factions like this have becoming increasingly common.”
“Ya tellin’ me! I always knew the Vatican had a Demon Slayer, now everyone has a Slayer! Vampires got one, pretty sure Lycans gonna get one, Politicians… everyone has a Slayer now after their guts!” Sid really hoped there would be no faction gunning for possessed dolls anytime soon. A hunch told him that he and Cecilia were not necessarily going to be on the same side either. “I guess this is a curse of the modern world… When ya caught me hidin’ earlier, you didn’t even look surprised!”
“That is true… she wasn’t surprised at all.” Mati noted. Her friend Cecilia had a heightened sense. A nose for magic, so to speak. She sniffed out the sin before it even happened. “Cecilia… are you really the Holy See’s Demon Slayer? As in… the Demon Slayer?”
“We don’t call it that. It sounds copyrighted.” With a shake of her head, Cecilia dismissed it. “I am a member of the Counter-Miracle Corps. I am an undertaker, someone who buries the non-God granted miracles of the world. The enemies of God are plentiful and take many forms. Be they Lycan, Vampires, Demons…”
“Lycan, Vampires, Demons…” A wide-eyed Matilde repeated. “De Ascanio only let me peek behind the veil… behind the curtain. I thought it was like a stage show of sensible paranormal occurrences behind it. That isn’t the case… the world, as I know it, is the stage show. The performance. I was just a stage hand, looking into the audience. An audience of all sorts of mysteries.” She wished she had known this, but De Ascanio only showed her a small part of his own world. Not only did he lie to her, he lied to himself. He so desperately wanted to run away from the chains of the Church to pursue his unusual passion.
“I know what you are thinking, Mati. You are wondering: Why? Why would De Ascanio do this? Why would the Church do this? All of it was not anticipated. We thought De Ascanio, while he had plenty of problems of his own, was a competent and happy member of our Circle of Alienists. Those of the Studies of ‘Otherness’.” She lowered her head. With some hesitation, Cecilia continued. “We did not expect De Ascanio to take a liking to you. He brought you in and he fed you all his lies. You believed it all, thinking he was solely the keeper of this knowledge, that he was closer to anyone else from knowing the greatest truth of truths.”
“That is what happens when ya spin lies around lies, wit’ all that propaganda and misinformation!” Postured Sid. He was right, the Vatican should have seen it coming. “The biggest flaw with humans - we believe anythin’! As long as it is said enough. Even a delusional creep like Asscrack-De-Ascanio began to think he was the smart one, that he had it all figured out… Guys like that rarely do. From the looks of it, he didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.”
“It was my fault then.” Having put on some clothes after being caught moments ago, Matilde found herself grasping the sweater sleeves at her arms intensely. Almost enough to tear at the fabrics. “My innocence… my ignorance. I indulged him. I wanted to be a part of that world so badly… A world he could only get a glimpse of. I guess he wanted to take a full dive, for me. Maybe he thought it would prove more to me? Even if it was just to feed his own ego… What if he did that for me?”
“Mati, listen…” A small hand grasped the top of her’s. Sid gave her two of her fingers a tight squeeze. “Whatever De Ascanio did - that fool convinced himself of it first! He had a few screws loose, the guy was the dullest tool in the shed and he thought he was the best one because he found a good gardener who put him to use… Ya can’t blame yourself for-”
“As much as I appreciate sentimental things between others and instances that overall inspire joy, I am doing my best to ignore the fact you two are fucking.” Not even a blush on Cecilia’s face as she said this. “But you can share some sentimental moments later. Right now, we have a significant emergency. The case of De Ascanio. One that is… more particular the more I hypothesize about it.”
“Not a lot surprises ya, does it? Ya even looked at me like ya weren’t too surprised!” Sid utilized his word-craft to learn more about the girl. Truthfully, this chick was sort of his thing the more he looked at her. But Mati was sweet and now, his Mati had been pulled into his heart and he wouldn’t let her go. Cecilia threatened that. “Not even a shriek… yer lot have a lot of run in’s with big guys in small bodies like me?”
“The possession of objects is a very common supernatural occurrence. However, it is rarely by a person’s spirit. Usually those that hide within the mostly inanimate are among the Rejected-Sentience.” There was bound to be a lot of jargon from her organization splattered throughout the conversation. Sid had accepted this, just like how he knew those military cats were jabbering something unique among themselves. “It takes a very high class of magic to actually fasten a human soul into something else. De Ascanio’s magical capability was literally only possible due to the strategic positioning of his workshop on the Hellmouth.”
On the Hellmouth? So the Church is entirely aware of it? Wouldn’t the Church want to close these mouths somehow or suppress them? Mati thought.

“That occult workshop of his… ya put it right on top of the Hellmouth. Why is that? Didn’t ya think that would eventually mess with his marbles too?” It came across as very sloppy to Sid. But it made sense if one viewed it like a military occupation. If the Church couldn’t close the Hellmouth or do anything beyond suppressing it, they could at least use it to their advantage while being plopped right on top of it. “I don’t know what ya getting at either, Choir-Girl. Ya mentioning something regarding me now, aren’t ya?”
“It is just my hypothesis, but I am rarely wrong, I’ve come to find out. My intuition is something else.” A single figer tapped Cecilia’s head. She was pretty sure of herself. “The Church has enabled me with more than enough training and studying to know that this is what we call a Residual-Possession and not an Intelligent-Possession.”
“Ah.” That clicked with Mati. “Like in categories of hauntings - there are Residual-Hauntings, where supernatural phenomena occur in reflection of past events and energies. As in, reflections of the past - playing on loop, like a recording under certain circumstances. A ritualistic, habitual - non-aware occurrence. Whereas an Intelligent-Haunting is one that manifests in various ways that imply sentience. In other words… ghosts and demons that have explicit goals and methods of obtaining them through unique, sentient manifestations.”
“I would say De Ascanio taught you well, but you really are just a smart cookie, Mati.” A rare smile formed on Cecilia’s face. It disappeared as quickly as the seriousness of her tone in the following words became apparent. “Possessions can be similar. But they are somewhat different. A Residual Possession is more like a recording that is empowered to near-sentience by magic. In other words, a spiritual presence or ‘residue’ has been reactivated temporarily. But the spirit isn’t true, it is a mere reflection.”
“That means that thing we encountered… it isn’t just De Ascanio, isn’t it? It is a big spirit-soup of De Ascanio and all of the other spiritual energies of the objects he collected. Since the Hellmouth woulda amplified that - right? Damn…” Sid was correct, as Cecilia nodded in confirmation. That wooden-monster was a living amalgamation of all that spooky shit. No matter it was such a degenerate. “A demonically empowered bunch of assholes in one body… shit, I ain’t really me, am I?” This realization was far from fun.
“Sid…” It especially hit Mati hard. “That can’t be true…”
“I’m sorry. The Vatican is aware of who you are and that you were trapped in that artificial body, but there was only a vague spiritual residue left inside of you. De Ascanio tried several times to draw your body back from the void.” Explained the ‘Choir-Girl’.
“What a knucklehead! Why the hell would he do that to a dead man?!”
“To prove that he could, most likely. Frankly, I am sorry to say that… you, too - Sid. Are an amalgamation of the peacefully-resting Sid’s memories and experience. A living reflection that has been motorized by augmentation. With a demonic influence.” Some sympathy surely could have been spared, but Cecilia offered none.
“I get ya… I was a phony the whole time. A consequence, an accident… that is funny!” With anguish, Sid grasped his chest but he would not fail to smile throughout it all. Although his gradually more humanized eyes had shown the pain he felt emotionally. “I became the damn thing I hated the most, a demon! That is funny! I’m a fan of irony, ya know!”
“It isn’t funny at all…” The tears wanted to come, but Mati held them in. She had a lot of experience holding tears in. “You’re still Sid! To me at least! That just makes you special!”
“It is not that, Mati-Girl… your friend here, she’s a demon slayer… and so am I.” Said Sid calmly, having regained his composure. “I know what I have to eventually do… I just need to gatha’ the strength for it.”
“S-Sid! What are you thinking about?” Her hand grasped his shoulder, before she pulled him in close to a hug. “I am not going to let anything happen to you!”
“Eghh…” Cecilia buried her face in a palm. “You two are adorable like a freeway car crash. I know it is hard to not be stuck together right now, for whatever… you two are going through, but clear the way for traffic.”
“You’ve always been a bit cold, Cecilia…”
“Mati, being warm and soft in this world will only crush you. Even De Ascanio could see that.”
“What’s wrong with being warm and soft as a woman, aye?!” Protested Sid. “Even a tough guy needs a soft woman at home.”
“First off, ew. Second of all-” Cecilia’s retort was punctuated by a sigh and roll of her eyes. “I am rather apathetic as to what happens to you Sid. As for you, Mati. Not even the harshest authority at the Church could sanction actions against you and Sid. Unless…”
“Unless?!” Mati asked with ever widening eyes.
“Unless you pursue life as a black-hat.”
“In the modern world of witches, there are black-hats and white-hats. Black-hats operate against the Church and deal exclusively in the darker realms of magic and magical application. White-hats are neutral to the Church or temporarily sanctioned to work for them under a waiver. Associates and non-associated factions also fall into the white-hat category.”
“Oh… black-hat. Like a witch… I get it.” Sid wasn’t too impressed by this terminology.
“Like hackers, too… They call malicious internet hackers black-hats and state-aligned or security oriented ones are often white-hats…” Mentioned Mati.
“Trust me, the witches have been calling themselves black-hats or white-hats long before a computer was even a thought in the mind of a person.” The perspective and understanding of Cecilia had clearly embodied a large culture and a large body of time. Her frustration with Mati’s perspective was simply that, her perspective was more modern. As for Sid, he was more or less on the same wave-length. “De Ascanio is an example of a white-hat. The fact he went black-hat on us is going to make everyone far more cautious of who gets to wear what hat in the world.”
“Every religious institute has a thing about hats and headwear…” Complained Sid. “So what yer sayin’ is, as long as we are unaffiliated and don’t bother anyone - we’re kosher? We’re good to go?”
“Of course, it would be preferred if you kept your unique state to yourself and Mati, Sid.” Cecilia really had not needed to explain this. “Another duty of the Church is to hide the mysteries of the other side from the common world. Otherwise, the occult is going to become trendy and more black-hats will come out of it than Salem.”
“Gotcha. Ya gonna cut my strings if the whole world knows about me, huh?” Sid would be a dummy for life and Mati was about to become the most impressive, young ventriloquist. But there was a big problem with all of that. “Here’s the thing… I think I am gonna become something worse than a spirit-record on repeat inside a bunch of wood. I’ve been bleedin’ and turning more and more… organic, ya get what I’m sayin’?”
“Unfortunately, I was able to assume something like this was happening…” The sex. Cecilia was referencing the sex that she caught the two in, that Mati had failed to play off as masturbation. “The proximity to Hellmouth is the cause of this… Unfortunately, what has been done already cannot be reversed. I highly advise that after this night, you leave the vicinity of the college indefinitely.”
This meant so many things. So much of Matilde’s life was over. Her tutelage under De Ascanio, her prospects as a student. She had lost everything and if she was not careful, she would lose Sid as well. The hell was she going to do? Live out of a briefcase and travel the world? Actually, that sounded like an amazing idea.
And just in an instant, the fear began to fade away. With a few books from De Ascanio’s library, she could train herself in white-hat magic. It would take some time, but if she truly has the potential that De Ascanio saw in her - even as an assistant, any of that can be trained into something excellent, right?
Even though Matilde felt like she was not magically gifted, even though she felt like she had failed everyone. Even if she was able to find spells that flooded her body with nutrients or manifested food, the nomadic life would be considerably easy - wouldn’t it? A travel, ventriloquist white-hat witch… with a boyfriend. Wow! She realized, there is something more serious between her and Sid - wasn’t there?
“You must be deep in thought.” Cecilia saw it plainly. “I’m sorry this has happened to you. I know you came to this school under the guise of it changing your life for the better. That you could force your way into a career of the occult like De Ascanio… but stability in life is often in money. Money that is not even earned. All of these circumstances and the knowledge you have - it is going to make you live unconventionally for the rest of your life.”
“Hell of a thing to force on a young girl…” Sid said as he shook his head. “Matilde… you should just stay here and let me go on my own. Or let the Vatican take me for studying or something. Ya need to live yer own life.”
“We can figure it out later!” A sudden raising of her voice had shown just how unafraid Matilde had made herself. “We need to stop De Ascanio. By any means possible… but - what are we going to do about witnesses?”
“Thankfully, virtually everyone at the school is currently under a deep hypnosis. Everyone is going to wake up tomorrow thinking that there was a terror attack and they were too busy at a frat party to even notice it.”
“W-what…? You can do that?” Mati was entirely caught off guard by what Cecilia had just mentioned so casually. “Cecilia… are you a white-hat?”
“I’m something else entirely. It is best not to ask questions, but do know that I am capable of channeling the miracles of God. It is the witches and demons that use spells to deviate mystic happenings from God.” It wasn’t too hard to comprehend, thankfully. Matilde was able to get it from this explanation alone. There were multiple sources of powers in the world, from all sorts of different directions and often, dimensions.
“I met a girl like ya once. They just called her the Slayer! And what a bad babe she was, but you girlie - you really going to take on a thing that took out a bunch of military-greenies? I hope ya battle-nuns carry a gun or something.” The little guy couldn’t help feeling a little protective of Cecilia too. After all, she was around Mati’s age and he had yet to see her capability. “We’re gonna help you, isn’t that right, Mati?”
“Oh, erm, yes! The Hellmouth will augment magical capability… As it did with De Ascanio, apparently. There has to be a spell, something a white-hat would use, to pacify that thing… that thing formerly known as De Ascanio.” Confident and wanting to help, Mati would not be sidelined anymore. “Is there anything you can do to point me in the right direction, Cecilia?”
“Hrm. If I wasn’t already concentrating a lot on the hypnosis… I wouldn’t need additional help. But dire straits create dire consequences.” Normally she was entirely on her own in these operations. Some assistance was going to be a pleasant help for once. “My capabilities are best utilized against the demonic. In order to empower me or at least, depower the Residual-Possession… I need you to effectively exorcize the remnants of De Ascanio out of that body.”
“An exorcism? A Church exorcism isn’t really any different from magical incantation and the likes, right? I see. I can do that, I think. I will need to do it from the Hellmouth location itself to draw enough power, since I doubt I can do that by myself otherwise.”
“Magic is no longer categorized as good or bad, but only by who is casting it. If you are my ally, I will stand by the notion you are on the side of good. As a white-hat, you will be assisting me in the fight against the dark.” Cecilia had to give her a more formal blessing now. “With the power invested in me, I will risk my own integrity and reputation in the Church to sanction you and Sid as my allies in this battle.”
“There is more to it…” Accused Sid. “This isn’t just about De Estupido. There somethin’ else we have to worry about?”
“That faction… you encountered. The soldiers. The Church knows they are independent mercenaries, but they are not… white-hats persay. They come in direct conflict with the Church very often and there has been bloodshed on both sides. But among them - is a vampire. In their ranks. A very capable one that they have weaponized.” It is fine to tell them this. Cecilia thought. They will have their memories wiped anyways, if I were to spare them. I think I am going to have to exterminate both, regardless. If not now, later. “The one that got away, who helped you… If he survives, I won’t harm him. Vampires cannot be trusted. They are among those that face the Wrath of God, as directed by the Church.”

“All this nun-talk is giving me a headache… yer really no-nun-sense, Cecilia.” The terrible pun from Sid made Cecilia nearly squirm. “We’re here to help anyway we can… Can’t let anyone else get hurt.”

The plan

I have been doing this for years. My complete devotion to the Church since I had been ‘chosen’ has all led to this. I knew from a young age that this was a world of Miracles. But not all Miracles come from God. Miracles, by definition, are just something that happens out of the normality of life’s most secular understandings by an outside force. God Himself has made many miracles, but Deus Ex Machina - God Works Through creation. The Miracles of God are no longer the manifestation of before.

The young and weak no longer are healed by a single hand, but by the wonders of medicine. Evil men are no longer struck down by floods, but by the forces of governments, the establishment of global policing bodies. It is not that man has replaced the necessity for miracles from God, but that God Himself has enabled us to fight against the dark more efficiently.

My body is but a tool. A temple of worship. I do not pursue others for the sake of the Flesh, I deny myself the sins of the Flesh. I am not a mere custodian, someone who has come to clean the Church of its shortcomings. I leave it to the cardinals and the priests. I leave all the bureaucracy to those who handle it best.

I am a soldier and I am perpetually at war. This war will end me one day, but to die a saint is something I never aspired to do. I shall die a knight in His service. On this night, I know I will face an enemy more capable than any of the ones I have faced before. A vampire that has even defeated Slayers. But not only that, a demonic reflection of numerous artifacts compounded into a single object.

I did not tell Matilde or her literal-boy-toy the most important detail. The Hellmouth has become personified. Whatever De Ascanio did, he called the express hotline to Hell itself. Not only did something from that other dimension glue together a large amount of darkly-aligned attributes, but we have only seen it in its most primitive form. On this night in particular, 22/2/2022 - a synchronicity will occur, as predicted by the old scholars.

The chosen avatar of this Hellmouth is that dreaded concoction of artifacts. I have decided to call it, simply, the Antiquarian - in reference to the deceased De Ascanio himself. As the night lingers, it will grow and continue to transform. The transfiguration has been documented only once before… It is safe to assume that history has repeated itself. For centuries prior, a demonic beast roamed the countryside of France - which had originated from Hellmouth Zeta, as it is known.

The Beast of Gevaudan… the 18th century Haute-Loire and Lozere
 saw a total of six hundred and sixty five attacks from a black wolf of impossible portions. The Vatican, back then, as well had mobilized numerous hunters against it. The beast was slain before it could reach a total of six hundred sixty six victims. The beast itself was a construct of six hundred and sixty six unique, demonic anomalous reflections.

The Church had always intended for De Ascanio to accidentally release such a creature, but he did so without our knowing - much sooner than it was anticipated. Now, the beast will go on to terrorize the entire student body of this school and once it consumed over six hundred spirits, it would reach a perfect personification of Hellmouth Zeta.

If I had not kept everyone silently in their rooms in a prolonged sleep, the Beast of Gevaudan, the avatar of Hellmouth Zeta, would have surely already eaten a hundred. By the end of the night, it would have the capability of consuming the entire university.
All calls to outside authorities have been rendered impossible by the Church’s electromagnetic field-interference. We are basically imprisoned with this creature until it is ended.
So this is it - the Church’s last stand and I am the only one blessed with being a Slayer, who can stop it. I thought this was a curse, for the longest time. But when the Church found me, they offered me salvation. It did not take long to sanction me, they must have really needed my help.

There is something inside of me that yearns for this Vampire known as Spike. It yearns for his death. I was told that he had killed numerous Slayers in the past. I would go so far to say he is my true enemy here.

Thus, my plan is simple. Matilde and Sid will assist me in neutralizing the threat, that is the living ecosystem of evil - the six hundred and sixty six Satanic reflections inside the body of the Beast. If the Antiquarian Beast is allowed to become fully sentient, its capability will likely overcome what I am able to deal with.
I sincerely hope, I sincerely pray… that the Vampire and his human companion will take out the Antiquarian or at least immobilize it enough - so that I may strike a killing blow. I must bring salvation to this sanctuary, for wherever the dark is - the light must appear. This is the will of my Creator.

God… works through creation. God! Hear my prayers and know this to be true - I will vanquish all of the evil on this night! The Hellmouth Zeta is trying to manifest its entire essence into the Beast. If I allow it to slay the appropriate number of its goal, it will be a living conduit - a living Hellmouth that can roam around freely.

Dare I say… it is an end of the world scenario? Hell is so desperate to destroy the Earth before Rapture can save us.



Ha ha haha ha ha!

I am so overjoyed. I never felt so threatened in my entire life. Failure is not an option. I doubt there will even be another Slayer in time to stop this monstrosity if I die here. I can’t imagine letting another girl become completely consumed by this obligation.

The moral obligation to kill all the non-God derived Miracles.
Could it be true that this is among the last Hellmouths on Earth? We are so close to salvation. All corners of the Earth are soon ready for the End Times. Humans will rise against all evil and the final days of salvation shall arrive.

This is my crusade. My own personal crusade. I want to make God’s anger my own. I hope he will allow me to drink from the Cup of Wrath one last time. Lend me your anger God and let me be strong enough to do what I have to do!

Even if my allies stand in my way… I will slay the Seventh of the Creatures of Revelations… God save and secure us all. Amen!


Cecilia had left with a duffel bag of her belongings. Who bloody knew what the hell was actually in all of it. It had to be some serious stuff. She had left Matilde and Sid to their lonesome in the dormroom, where the two endlessly thought over their own plan of attack as they prepared to trek back to the De Ascanio crime scene.
“I don’t get it, why weren’t we afflicted by the hypnosis?” Mati asked as she mentally prepared a list of the most-likely-to-help books in De Ascanio’s collection. “You being… of a supernatural origin apparently, explains why you were fine. But me…?”

“‘Cause yer magical, Mati…” The dummy gave her ass a pinch from behind, that caused her to startle and quickly protect her rear from him. “De Ascanio wasn’t entirely a quack. I also don’t think ya need the Hellmouth as much as you think ya do. I think yer gonna do just fine and we are going to be able to put some meat in this cook out ourselves!”

“Meat? In the cookout? You really think we have a chance with such direct involvement?” It sounded dangerous. It was dangerous. Yet… “You’re right. We can’t let Cecilia handle it all herself. Or that soldier and his… vampire boyfriend, or whoever.”

“Look at you, growin’ up so quickly in a night.” Without thinking, Sid laid himself across her legs. Without any shame, his hands stroked the smoothness of her skin. He had taken a liking to her and not just in terms of what her body could offer him. “But hey… you got a lot of life to live. Enjoy it and try to be young at heart still, no matter what, okay? Taking on responsibilities doesn’t mean giving up on things being fun or lighthearted, time to time.”

“Touching me again already…?!” She held her legs tight against one another, her boots pressed against one another. “We might not have another opportunity to, well, uhmm… you know.”

“Oh? Do I know?”

“... Yes. Go ahead and… touch me.”

The two had barely gotten to experiment more. Mati had a few things to learn, it was more like a staircase than anything. A nice, steady incline to the things she would come to enjoy - not nearly as daunting or physically demanding as a ladder that went straight up.

“Only if you add some sugar to keep ya nice and sweet…” Sid practically begged for her kiss. The two let their mouths come together without shame. With everything going on, they also needed the distraction. The uncertainty of what was to come only gave them a little time to actually prepare for to stay back the dark of the night. To have sometime with each other… it was a blessing. “Hey, you needed to take a shower anyways, right?”

“That is right…” A small giggle followed. Mati smiled and refused to break the kiss for anything less than gaining her breath. Everything about him was small, but pleasant. In a way, Mati felt a little powerful even - given how easily she could just overwhelm him. That changed quickly, in the most fun of ways - as Sid had laid her down again and positioned himself between her legs. “T-taking the lead, huh…?”

“After a kiss like that? I gotta pay you back…”

“If you say so…”

“I do say so!”

As far as experience went, taking his little package was surprisingly enduring. Wholesome even. With such great ease, Sid could push all of himself into her. When her inner walls clamped down on him, it was obvious her body did not want to let him go. It was not like Mati felt like she was being filled, but the excursion of Sid’s manhood was enough to keep her nice and warm in multiple ways.

She was surprised by how good it felt, by how wet it actually made her as his little body pushed itself into her again and again. Sid’s hips had found a synchronicity with the continual thrusts against her pelvis. An audible sound of wood tapping against flesh was amusing and… erotic, for reasons that could not be considered. That could not be explained without great embarrassment.

Mati’s interest in the paranormal had lead to her getting literally fucked by it. What a world. This was also nothing but a good time for Sid, he couldn’t get over just how slippery his dick felt in her. Was it the texture of himself? Or just that Matilde had a nice happy-valley?

At first, the former Demon Hunter did his best to be almost delicate. Mati could tell when he got a little carried away, which wasn’t too long after the first few minutes. She just had to smile and think about how fun this all was, feeling his joy just as much as her own.

“God, I’m going to marry you!” Sid called out as he pressed his entire length into her blissfully. The soft, warm and wet velvet-like texture of Mati made his eyes roll with fearsome euphoria.

“T-that’s your dick talking, not you - Sid!” Teased Mati, who wished for his eyes to return their focus back to her - so she could maintain the eye-contact as Sid was deep inside of her. Well, for him at least. Honestly, Mati was satisfied with the experience alone - being hardly the size queen. This made her something opposite of a size queen - right? There was no value to be found in examination of the specifics. “K-keep going, Sid! Please… Please…”

“I didn’t plan on stoppin’! Don’t ya worry!” Sid hadn’t gotten to ‘get it in’ in such a long time. Even if he was a motorized reflection of spiritual residue inside of a dummy, he had become sentient before that wooden beast did. By all means, he was just as valid of a person as anyone else now.

Rest in peace me, my true soul. Wherever you are in Heaven. I hope ya get all the good lookin’ broads up there. Ya would have loved Mati, but pal… you may be the original, but I gotta keep the Sid-legacy goin’. Mati is mine. Hope you understand, original me. If we ever cross paths.

“Oh yeah, take it, Mati-girl…”

“Take it…?’

“Yeah, take my dick, ya know…? Like yer doin’ now.”

“S-say it again…”

“Take my dick, Mati!” With everyone in the school under a certain degree of hypnosis, they were gonna forget any weird sounds they heard next door. An easy bet for having a good time. No shame had to be felt here between two of the most interesting kinds of lovers. “You like it, huh?!”

“I-I’m taking it as best I can, Sid! Ngh…”

“Say please! Gotta be polite to a gentleman like me, Mati.”

“Gerhh…” He was really going to make her beg for it? Poor had no other choice. “Please, let me take that dick of your’s, Sid…”

“Little louder and a little kinder!” Suggested Sid, as his dick was as deep as it possibly could be in her. All of the little sensations were making her go crazy too. The feel of his ‘skin’, the weight of his small body as he worked it into her. The sheets of her bed being white-knuckle gripped. “Lemme hear ya!”

“F-fuck me, Sid! Give me your dick! Please!”

Sid felt like he was as hard as a bullet. The sensation of a real, throbbing dick to put in her - he was glad that he had stayed around the Hellmouth as long as he did for at least some nominal ‘adjustments’ to his physiology. Anything beyond this and it would get weird. But hey, a man could not complain about such real sensations.

Given he was already very well lubricated from the previous ventures, the next pass from his dick into her was like pressing in for the first time all over again. Sid paused for a second, teasing her with that suspense before he slid his entire length in with a sudden pulse. The way he was able to agiley weave into her like this showed of his prior experience level. The guy hadn’t gotten rusty after all.

Over and over again, he would plunge into her and he would pause to torment her just when the height of their pleasure both came to an apex. Mati drew in her air and prepared a whole list of verbal complaints, only to be satisfied by Sid’s compliance immediately after. That inhale became a snake like hiss of lustful enjoyment - Mati would hiss again in between her moans as Sid sunk his dick in deep repeatedly.

He would also move his hips in a way to press against her clit, all while he rotated them in a circular motion. Grinding against her while he was as deep as someone his size could go. Sid was getting into the motions of what would become his favourite pattern.

Suddenly, he pulled all the way out and admired the residual results of Mati’s wet pleasure. The tip was just barely in her still - her passage was so eager to take him in again. Sid sunk himself into her pussy with a considerable stroke that made himself shake. Once he met the limit of his own size, he ground himself against her clit again. Only to slowly, agonizingly pull out to just the tip.

With each stroke, he would sink into her faster and faster. But each exit would be even slower. Sid was able to not only tease Mati, but also himself. The act had rendered him a hot mess, as he let out pants that compared to the sharp, pleasured exhales of his lover.

“It is all about friction and restriction…” Sid grabbed at her legs and instinctively, Mati wrapped them around him, which pulled him in nice and tight. There was no escape until they were done now. No interruptions could break them apart. For Sid’s benefit, for she knew he watched her hand movements intently, Mati had raised her close up to her clavicles and stroked her own breasts for him. Occasionally, she would even pinch at her own nipples and moan his name.

The pace of her breathing would match the pulsing movements of Sid, as he became harder, faster and more urgent with the action of penetration. Both of their voices and how they enunciated little pleasantries to each other - raised in pitch. Damn it all, Sid actually felt something stir inside of him and it felt like he had a stomach full of actual butterflies. Would butterflies find a home inside of him like that?

As for Mati, a creeping, trembling joy had crawled up and around her legs. She trembled eventually, especially when her own chest began to flush with warm emotions. They were both so close now.

“You gonna burst for me, Mati? Huh? Ya gonna come all over me and knock me back or somethin’? Is that what yer gonna do?” But the real question was, what she wanted him to do. “Where do ya want it, Mati? I know where you want this dick, but… where do ya want the pearls?”

“T-the pearls?!”

“The priiize, Mati-girlie… where ya want it? I can feel myself comin’ closer, you want me to up the ante and want me to put the pearls around your neck? On your face? On your tongue? On that nice chest of your’s…?” An insidiously Sid-trademark grin of deviousness flashed across his face. “Or ya want it inside of ya, huh?”

Admittingly, he pushed her all the way to the damn edge and her orgasm had begun with a surprising, sudden bursting. The girl bucked her hips against him and squeezed him all round. As Mati clenched him in tight and her voice became a near shriek, the pleasure had increased with the wetted-sensitivity of her pussy as well.

“Inside! Inside!” With both hands, Mati grasped the back of his head and told him to finish in her. Desperately, at that. It was something that Sid was going to be happy to oblige. That want, that desire - he didn’t know just how much he needed to hear that, since being stuck in a body like that is hell on one’s self conscious state and sense of self overall. “Come on and do it!”

Sid was plunged in like a sword in stone, to the hilt of his capability. Mati’s legs fell from around him as she had practically collapsed from her own exertion and climax. Now it was all on Sid to get his rocks off and boy, was he. The only thing that held him up was her legs, now it was all him - relentlessly taking control of himself and going at it. He couldn’t just give up now.

A final sprint. He had to tell himself that, as he panted for breath and was unsure if he had enough in him to spare. A final sprint to the finish line, the grand finale - a great big, final waltz. The last dance. The swan song. It was time to finally cum.

Sid had arrived and his pearls were placed deep inside of Mati. In a solid burst, continually and consecutively followed up with another smaller one. It took a lot of restraint for him to call her a clam or something terrible like that.

His body laid beside her, his chest raised and lowered calmly as he felt like a full fledged human again. Mati was completely distraught with embarrassment, she had never wanted to feel something like that inside of her before - to have someone finish in her like that. She had a good feeling that it was a blank-shot, given that Sid was still mostly a Dummy. Still, she really hoped she would not end up giving birth to a Matryoshka nesting doll in the future.

The two rolled to face one another. The edge, the suspense and the tension was gone. It was so much easier for the two of them to kiss without hesitance and renewed energy. The whole experience, despite the circumstances, was warmly human. For it was only humans that can truly enjoy such things.

Eyes glazed and both of their hair looking a bit wild, the two agreed they were going to need to shower together and prepare for the war against the dark that was to take place tonight. Given the estimates by Cecilia before she departed to make her own preparations, they still had another thirty minutes. That was going to be more than enough.

“I caught you by surprise, didn’t I, Mati?” This was a good time for some teasing, however. Sid wouldn’t let up on that.

“You did… I am glad you did. I had a good time.” Mati’s face was red and ripe. “I know it probably is not necessary… but I really hope you are sterile for the time being.”

“I gave ya options, ya know - could done it all over your legs or somethin’. But you’s the one who insisted inside!” The two shared a laugh at Sid’s remark. “Guess it was my fault for gettin’ ya so worked up.”

“You are right, it was! You just came onto me like that and I didn’t want to say no… Because I really wanted to at least try it, you know… in case…”

“Hey, we have every reason to worry about tonight. Lot of crazy stuff is going on and we are in an odd place to be. But I trust you, Mati. I think you are going to do great.” His little hands grasped her fingers, which laid between them.
“We’re gonna put the remnants of De Ascanio to rest. Don’t you worry. And all the dark spirits of the crap he used to keep around… We are gonna win, your friend Cecilia is gonna help us.”

“I’m not so worried about that, as much as I am… worried about what is going to happen afterwards.”

“No offense Mati, but what kind of guy ya take me for? I ain’t in the game of runnin’ about anymore. My legs are too small.” More laughter. It was easy to have with her now. “Really, tho, gal… Listen here. I think yer stuck with me. You and I make a good team, we gotta watch out for each other, ya know what I mean? Runnin’ away from you…”


“It would be the biggest mistake I could make. I know a few things too, ya know. I can help ya be a white-hat if you really want. In fact… I think I might know some people that would be very interested in you as a student.”

“You’re kidding me… you think they are still alive?” Already, Mati realized so many more doors have opened to her. Her old, innocent and restrained life has ended. She had a whole world to investigate now. “After all these years, I mean, is it possible?”

“These guys… ain’t big on aging. They also ain’t big on that cooky stuff that Cecilia is involved in. Just trust me, when this is all ova - there’s a Koreatown in a place called California, in the land of dreams and-”

“California?!” For some reason, Mati assumed it was going to be a little more accessible. Like somewhere on this continent at the very least.
“How am I going to get you through airport security in America? I am surprised De Ascanio managed to ship you here without all the corrupt postal boys trying to sell you for campfire food!”

“Sheesh, it can’t be that bad, right? We just gotta hustle… get some money together. Think about it - you have the potential for the best ventriloquist act of all time! I’m a funny, charming guy and-”

“People aren’t going to believe I can make my voice sound like your’s… let alone emulate whatever accent and vernacular you have. I appreciate your enthusiasm but…” Then again, Mati could post it on the internet and just admit it is edited. Market it as a comedy gimmick, a type of routine. Yeah, but then she would have to worry about monetizing it through something like Patreon. What a pain! Not to mention, the taxes per year and- “Whatever, we will figure it out!”

“That we will, Mati, that we will…” Now, if there was one thing Sid enjoyed after some wet, warm pussy - it was a nice and warm shower, a cold glass of ice water and a homemade, American cherry pie. Sadly, not all of that is available right now. “Let’s hit the hot-water and get goin’. Then we can get started on our new lives.”

“About the hot water…”

“What about it…?”

“You have to run it for thirty minutes before it actually gets hot. They were fixing the water heater, but it still has uhh… a way’s to go. We also share a water heater with the dorm right over and…”

“Ya gotta be kidding me.” Sid slapped his own face. “Fine, we won’t make it waiting on some hot water. A lukewarm shower will have to do. It can at least do that much, right?”

“Sure…. It will still take ten or so minutes.” Frowned Mati, she could really go for a hot one as well. “I am sure we will visit many hotels in the future and hostels… plenty of hot water there. Lot of showers to look forward to.”

“I just hope I don’t get water damage, but after a night in your-”


“I ain’t jokin’! I’m afraid of getting a few split ends and I don’t mean in my hair, you know?!”

“My heart becomes a bleeding wound
Shall you spare it?
My heart is a wound itself
For you
For something sweet, I hope to look
For something to fill
This little crevice
But once inside, I’ll lock up forever
To keep you safe
I’ll be at your service
Let me body be your bane
And let me cure you
Of any and all Pain”

British Poet William “The Bloody Awful” Pratt

Believed to be partially plagarized from Shakespear’s
Venus and Adonis

Continue to Episode 5