Aces with Love
Episode 3 - The Conundrum

Beser had some only brief refuge in the comfort of the black SUV. The vehicle now haunted him, in a way. Just hours ago, everyone on his team was cracking jokes and checking the surveillance equipment in the back seats. They had read the absurdly high EMF levels, that often correlated with an abundance of energy from the Immaterium. Now, the same equipment buzzed at a variety of frequencies.

To think, it was already true that his friends’ souls were haunting that place. Trapped just above a hell-mouth. To die in such a place… it meant that they were more or less trapped there due to the Immaterium’s grasp on all things. The vicinity to such a source of power had removed the limitations between what was tangible and intangible.
If his friends were lucky, they’d find something worthy of possessing. To enshroud one’s self into an object or artifact, this was the case of most hauntings. Those who died on spiritual grounds or blatantly haunted sights… they were doomed to be the ghosts of future exorcisms. Death can be scary, it can be nothing but blackness. The last shreds of morality make one wish to be immortal. Even if it was a miserable non-existence in the inanimate.
All of these things had driven Beser mad, as he thought it all over. Again and again. His mind had become shattered glass and to pick those shards up again, he risked getting cut on the memories. The revolting images of his comrades reduced to carrions continued to intrusively enter the forefront of his mind.

The black SUV came to a stop and then a rather silent idle. The headlights aimed forward toward the splintered doors of what was the university’s atrium. This was a more proper library than the one the occulist ran. Far less esoteric, entirely academic instead.
What would bring that demon that possessed the doll here? Beser had to wonder. After all, this wasn’t his first demon hunt and normally, demons had an extraordinary distaste for humanity. A direct contempt for literature, as well. For literature was always the tool of human expression.
He had to gather his strength, this came in the form of ‘pill-courage’. Everyone in his organization had been issued these and it just so happened, they kept plenty of water around for the occasion of taking them as well.
Beser opened the nearest compartment in front of the passenger seat. A full water bottle rolled out and nearly fell to the floor. With his hands shaking, he was able to just narrowly grab it before its role concluded in falling out of his immediate reach. If he had dropped it, there was no doubt a tantrum would have followed. His anxiety had reached an acute high and his heart was throbbing beneath his throat, about to burst through his ribs.
Such a sick world, where the paranormal could induce such afflictions of astounding terror. Beser reached into one of his pouches, retrieving a packet of punch-out tablets with large, stereotypical pills inside of the bubbles. He pulled his mask up just enough to insert the pill and swig the water harshly, as it was a hard one to swallow otherwise. Beser had to throw his head back to ensure it stayed down.
The integrated communication-radio platform on the console between the two seats began to buzz. Someone had patched in and there was no good news to give. Loud, tonal beeps would repeat with a flash of red from a small bulb beside the communicator.
“This is Beser, Reaver Team 9… I repeat, TOC, this is TAC team Reaver Team 9, Beser.” While it was spoken clearly enough, it was more than clear that he wished he did not have to make this announcement to the beckon and call of the Tactical Operations Center so soon. “I won’t be able to get you in contact with Reaver Team-9 Actual…”
“TAC team this is TOC, Commander Xander Harris. On my end, it looks like your team has flatlined besides yourself…” The comm operator and division commander was doing his best to keep his cool as well. Sadly, this was not the first time an entire group of his men had gotten wiped like this. It all came with the territory, this was what was expected to happen from time to time. That didn’t make these men any less irreplaceable. “TAC team Field Operative Beser, I am going to need a quick assessment.”
“I am doing my best, TOC. I am doing my best, I just took a few Demon-Anxiety-Meds…” In other words, it was going to take a little before they kicked in entirely. Right now, everything was still kicking his ass and his throat was as dry as sawdust. “I have followed the suspected demon to the university’s main-Atrium library. I am going to proceed to enter and neutralize, once I get my body calm.”
“Understood, Beser. This… this job is never easy, right?” Even through the static and the rehearsed, militant voice - Xander always could sympathize with this situation. “Those Pozemine pills are a type of Benzodiazepine, a major CNS depressant. It is going to relieve those nerves and even make you feel like you are impervious to pain. That doesn’t mean to work through a severed arm or anything, alright?”
“Roger-roger. I just need to be able to hold my gun.” Beser felt ashamed to admit this. All of the training and experience, yet things like this still inflicted terror against his mind. “Every time I close my eyes… I just see it all over again.”
“Stay cool headed and focus on the mission, our emergency backup is going to be enroute to you, Reaper Team-9. In fact, he insisted on coming out for this…” Commander Xander ‘The Great’ Harris confirmed. He hoped that the confidence and enthusiasm would calm some of those nerves down. “You will recognize him rather instantly… The guy looks like Billy Idol.”
“No shit?” Beser had perked up considerably, with that reply. Even though his body was now actively fighting to stay awake. The communication radio was pressed against his masked face and his eyes fluttered. If not for the interrupts of static, he would have dozed off then and there. “TOC. I think I took a bit too much Pozemine… I am light headed. And have… other symptoms.”
“Very common, soldier. Once it is introduced, it will nullify your central nervous system to a degree before it forces the adrenaline spike. It's… it's like an energy drink. You have jitters, then you get calm and you are ready to face anything…” Xander did not mention that the Demon-Anxiety-Pills simply also had four salts of amphetamine in them. They were like the panzer-pills of World War 2 in more ways than one.    
Unfortunately, this was the only way to stand on even ground against the paranormal as a mere mortal, when you had to face the horrors of the night on their own terms.
For all wicked things hide within shadows, knowing that those that live during the day and in the light, are easily ambushed when deprived of such. Augmenting the natural abilities of a person, no matter the cost and in some cases, even addiction - this was a sad route for achieving victory. The alternative was to let the wicked powers that be, continue to play with the fragile mortals.
That is why Xander and people like Beser joined such organizations. They detested how something so much stronger could lack all sense of righteousness and honour. Thus, this was the world of the Reavers. Soldiers and professional operators that hunted the hunters back. The Enemy was numerous and at times, could not be reached by normal means alone.
Like all things, they had to make sacrifices. While Beser felt himself suffer the effects of too much of the counter-demon, combat drug in his body, he had to reassure himself that this exhaustive mind fog and churning in his stomach was one of those sacrifices. One had to reach into the unknown future and claw the hardship to come into the present. Suffer now, so that there may be peace later.
“TOC… I was feeling a little antsy before the operation. I popped a pill or two before even getting here. I just don’t have the nerves I thought I did…” Beser admitted, the guilt that he felt was worse than the throbbing, stabbing pains in his stomach. That guilt would continue to expand, like a foreign body nestled inside of his soul, screeching to get out. “Th-the intoxication, it is-”
“Reaver, chin up! You’re about to find out why some men lost their souls to those pills…” Xander had warned. “It is about to.. Well, uhhh… ‘hit’.”
And so it did, an intense euphoria suddenly blasted into Beser’s brain. It swam and it danced upon the surface of all of his thoughts. He stared at his hands, everything seemed more vibrant. Every sensation. Every sensory reaction was amplified.     There was no pain, only pure capability.
“Yeah, that is why they call them ‘beast pills’ in other divisions too. Your body is having a natural panic reaction to the presence of the hellmouth and the demon itself. Those pills just help you require that panic into the most appropriate response, yadda yadda…” Xander could go on all day about that shit, but now was not the time. “Feel good enough to give me a sitrep, Beser?
“I think so…” Yes, everything moved much more fluidly now. Even if his mind was still foggy. “TAC team entered and… encountered the anomaly immediately. It cut through the entire team and I’m the last man of Team-9. It seems… the demon that was summoned, it had possessed a doll of some sort. A mannequin, something like that, yeah.”
“That is a keter-level threat then. If it doesn’t have a tangible body, that might mean it still has yet to fully manifest. Ergo, new mission priority. Immediately extinct that demon, how copy, TAC team?”
“TOC, I understand and will comply. ETA on that ace-in-the-hole, we have?”
“He should be there any minute. Trust me. He will be hard to miss and you’ll hardly miss him by the end of the night…” The Commander trailed off. His voice had a way of conveying emotions when his face was not visible. “My condolences. By the way. I know it isn’t going to stop stinging anytime soon… it's going to be a weight that you will carry for the rest of your life. I’ll carry it too.”
“Not your fault, sir…” Obviously, Beser blamed himself for it all. His cowardice, his inability to stand the post he was assigned. Dammit all. He really set those men to their graves, indirectly. Beser felt like the weakest link in the chain that was Team-9 and now he was their last hope for a successful mission. At the very least, this backup should increase the odds of survival considerably. “TAC team to TOC, commencing further mission objectives in accordance with the parameters. Out.”
Beser popped the truck of the SUV. Once out of the driver’s seat, he trailed around and opened it nice and high. Some additional firepower was going to be necessary. An automatic combat shotgun with a twelve shell magazine should do the trick. The AA-12 was a formidable weapon. Especially when silver tracings were found within the pellets of the shells themselves.
“Oh, yes, that will do. Plan to blow the entire university apart?” A voice with an explicit, hard to determine accent spoke aloud from the dark behind him. A man in similar attire had seemingly manifested just before Beser turned around. Not a sound was made by him. Even the hyper alert and augmented attentiveness of Beser had failed to detect his approach.
“You’re the backup Reaver Command had on stand by?” Beser was much more calm. Much more calculated. Still, his eyes - while wide - still conveyed the anxiousness that the pills suppressed through brute force adrenaline. “No helmet, no mask, no body armour. The hell…?”
“Well, I had a nice jacket, but unfortunately - it's a bit insensitive to wear something like that around a school nowadays. Not like anyone told me until it was too late.” The strongly accented man also had obnoxiously blonde, dyed hair. The peroxide content would have killed any normal man. Truly, he did look like Billy Idol. Or did Billy Idol look like him?     “Honestly, I think you and your boys are the ones that look more odd. People get squeamish about the tactical, military operator aesthetic, you know?”
“Shit… you’re either way better than me or I finally have someone on equal standing of incompetency.” Sighed Beser, as he closed the trunk. “I’ll keep the SUV running, it is going to be a hot exfil and it is going to be a bitch enough to leave without making much more of a scene than we already did.” Hopefully, the gruesome crime scene wouldn’t get as much attention as the destruction of academic property that was about to occur in this hunt.
“You know, they want us all to be ‘inconspicuous’, but there is nothing more suspicious than a black SUV, with the windows darker than Lucifer’s heart.” Either way, they might as well just get down to business now. “What’s your callsign or pen name, or whatever?”
“Like Berserk? That’s cute.” His ally frowned and scoffed at it. “Before you ask me the same, it's Spike and I won’t elaborate further.”
“Spike… and you’re making fun of my name? What? Was Billy Idol taken?” Okay, now the beast-pills were just making him overly aggressive. Beser recalibrated his thoughts and began his approach toward the shattered door of the library-atrium. “And Beser is… Turkish. It means mortal or human.”
“Oh, that actually is fairly cute. A nice nod to humility. The heroic ‘common man’ that must prevent misfortunes being afflicted by monsters to befall on any one that was like them once. Like them… before some unspeakable tragedy made them into who they are now. The Hunted who became the Hunter.” Spike practically applauded him as he casually approached the destroyed entrance frames. “Whatever had gone through here had done so maliciously, leaving behind unnecessary carnage. Someone with a beautiful well of infinite hate, inside of them. Or, they were just compensating. Demons tended to do that.”
“You’re a very verbose… person, Spike. Did you take any of those pills, by any chance?” Asked Beser as he stacked against the door, peaking in and throwing down his night vision goggles from the mount. “You uhh… going to be okay, without any NODs?”
“Trust me, I see better in the dark than any of your fancy little accessories do.” Belittled Spike, as he walked past and brushed against Beser’s shoulder painfully. He flicked the rhino-mount optics as well, which made the feedback image flicker.
“Hey, these are more expensive than the rest of my gear combined!”
“Beser… before you go berserk, we sort of have a…” Spike found it ironic how he had lost the word for it, as they were soon to enter a house of words itself. “A bit of a conundrum. I’ll play along nicely, as long as you do as well. Learn to take a bit of banter, while you can. It only gets worse from here.”
“I’m sure it does…” Beser put on his best, hardened face.     This guy, regardless of his abilities, walked into the dark without any hesitation. The moonlight above had just barely illuminated on through the atrium. They were at a terrible disadvantage and this fool, without a care in the world, was so willing to put himself in danger without any of the preparation and foresight. It felt… ignorant. Given what Beser had just lost.
“Listen now, don’t try to play tough guy with me. You think I don’t see your trousers have been pissed in? Now, who did that? It was you, right? I don’t think a demon possessed you and forced you to do it.” Surely, they were not going to get along.
“Maybe they did. You weren’t there, I just had my squad wiped…” With some cautionary steps, Beser had caught up and stood beside Spike as they waited for the inevitable. An attack from any of the numerous bookshelf tops above. Beser had noticed that the demon had clawed up some of the books themselves, possibly while he climbed up to get the advantage somewhere. “It likes to hide upward…”
“He probably likes to look down at people like us.” Smirked Spike, unimpressed by it all. “De Ascanio, ayy…? What a spectacular loser he was. I heard his books were not too good either, neither the ones he collected nor the ones he penned.”
“What are you, a literary critic now? Besides, you two both probably get your hair dye from the same store - judging the dead isn’t too keen for people like us, in this profession, you know?”
“If not for the dearly departed De Ascanio, we would have less dead friends in the other library, would we not?” Whoever Spike was, he loved to poke and prod the wounds of even his allies. For a moment, Beser contemplated putting a few shotgun shells into his torso. But, of course, like everything else tonight and in this world of Reavers… Spike probably wouldn’t be too affected by it. He had a certain aura of confidence that nothing could hurt him. At least, nothing could hurt him that he couldn’t hurt back.
“Well, it hasn’t attacked us yet… we might have just missed it. Should we patrol the university?”
“You’re the last remaining member of your squad, that makes you the commander. I’m just the additional muscle to pull you out of the grave you end up being hurled into.”
“Fantastic, you want me to take the lead?” He couldn’t even hold his position at the door. He let the demon get away. Beser was going to live with that, if he didn’t turn that evil thing into a campfire by the end of the night. Despite being absolutely wired, his confidence wasn’t necessarily beyond anything other than participating in the finale. “Sure, fine. You will regret it. Here I thought, you walking in like you didn’t give a shit, was going you taking the lead…”
“I just wanted to get a whiff of that library-book smell. Can you blame me…?” Spike’s nostalgia had already gotten the better of him. The two of them continued onward.


The dorm room left a lot to be desired. Matilde insisted that this was where they would have the most privacy to tend to the wound. She ended up being right, on their journey there - they had not seen a single person. There was a fraternity party elsewhere, off campus, most likely. The living quarters of thousands of students remained docile and almost abandoned. Eerie.
She had managed to bandage the wound on her left clavicle poorly with a fancy table cloth that De Ascanio had purchased and discarded in the same evening, in his private study. It was probably the most hygienic option, but it was just the right consistency to stop the bleeding - for the time being.

Once inside the room, Matilde slowly slid off her backpack with a pained whimper. As it was placed on the ground, a concerned and rightfully disgruntled Sid was quick to crawl out. Luckily, the coast was clear and he was more than happy to stretch his little legs again.
“See…? I told you… as abandoned as Chernobyl.” Matilde joked, it was a great way to cope with the surging pain from the laceration.
“Gesundheit.” Sid replied with the sneeze-blessing, not at all having any contextual guess for what she was referencing. He was somewhat enamored with how sterile the room was. Hardly girly at all and if anything, it looked like neither of the students truly even lived there. “Sheesh. Looks like a nun and a scholar live here, Mati…”
“Funny you say that…'' The girl trailed on about, as she sat on her bed. Without thinking, she started to peel away her clothes that had begun to significantly stain with a soaking splotch of red. The red circle had grown considerably, bleeding through the bandage, since the journey began. “My dorm mate… Cecilia. She’s from France, but… I believe she once studied something ecclesiastrical at the Vatican…”
“Wow, a real nun, huh? And she’s out partying now, while you were tucked away in your old dead professor’s books?” That was more depressing than it sounded initially. But, Matilde’s emotional well being was just not as important as her physical condition currently. “Girlie, that is looking bad… Ya know, might have to cut off the clothes, so you don’t hurt yourself-”
“I’m fine, I can do this, I’m stronger than I look, you know!” She insisted. The pain and the seriousness of the event had completely made the subject of nudity void. The somewhat pudgy body of the girl beneath, with her smaller than others breasts, was hardly non-erotic. As there was always something sensual about a nude body either way. For Sid and her though, there was nothing particularly ‘hot’ about a bleeding wound at her collar bone.
“It was so close to your neck…” While his eyes did dart at her breasts for a moment, his face contorted into a nearly human smirk, he retrieved the IFAK that the black-clad soldier had given them before he ran off to pursue the demon. “The hell is this medic pack anyways? They expect the average soldier-joe to use this?!”
“It's called an IFAK… it is a type of trauma kit modern soldiers use. Well, an IFAK is different from most trauma kits.” She grabbed the pouched and unzipped it, the wound had now begun to bleed freely, but the flow was considerably weaker than it was initially during the laceration. “These are things you are able to use on yourself… luckily, I don’t think it will be too hard.”
“You uhh… need help or?” Sid was at a loss for words. The girl seemed absolutely in her element all of a sudden. There was a small bottle of alcohol for sterilization, which she quickly washed hands with. She had the face of a surgeon, someone in the interest of stopping something from progressing to its worse state. In this case, a terrible infection. It was far from fatal, in terms of the actual tissue damage, but as Sid said - it was deathly close to a vital conjunction of bodily parts. Human beings were unfortunately full of those types of vulnerabilities, literally stacked on top of one another. “Look at you, about to wrap that up like a docta’!”
“I have an uncle who was a part of NATO. He was a combat-life-saver attached to a light infantry unit in Afghanistan.” She callously explained this as she prepared the rest of the medical kit for its primary use. With the remaining alcohol, she sterilized and cleaned the wound and didn’t even cry at the pain. She knew that crying would just blur her vision and make this all the more difficult. The wound had to be clean and moist to prevent infection.
“Who the hell is NATE-O Boy and why the hell were they playin’ Lawrence of Arabia in A-Stan? Nevamind…” There really was no point in trying to understand what had gone on in the last even few decades in modern politics and war. Sid grew up in some hard times and he had his fill of listening to those news reports with restrained anxiety years ago. “You sure that isn’t going to… need some stitches?”
“No time. We have to get moving. That… thing is still out there.” No way, Matilde was really thinking about intervening further? That was crazy, Sid thought. But, he had to admire her a bit. Mati, who was moving through pure instinct as if she had done this before, continued to dress her wound with some proper wrapping now. The cold air of the dorm had made her nipples hard and her skin excited with goosebumps. She also had some adrenaline running through her.
“That De Ascanio guy really did mess with your head and got ya a strong gut to tolerate anything, huh…?”
“He… would cut animals in front of me. For some rituals. I thought it would be good to… not let them go to waste. I practiced wound care on them, from time to time - before disposing of them.” Matilde didn’t even know how wicked that truly was until she said it. De Ascanio had taken… so much innocence from her. At least, he didn’t care to try for her virginity. At least, not seriously. “I… have to be strong. I was so useless back there.”
“Ya were confronted with something terrible, Mati. I saw it all the time back in the day. Demons and being near a hell-mouth, all that really messes with the human mind. It ain’t right, it ain’t natural. That’s why they call it paranormal or supernatural. It is beyond our understanding.” It was not meant as a lecture or a prep top, but Sid was surprisingly good at it, when he did run it in that direction. “Ya did better than most would. Honestly. You survived - those otha guys, the tough ones with all the fancy space guns and what not - they didn’t…”
“Yeah, they didn’t… did they?” Mati was distant. As she finished up the wound care and placed the IFAK aside, she felt like she had watched herself do it from the third person perspective. An intense disassociation from the traumatic events of this night, that had practically made an out of body experience. “Ohh…”
She suddenly realized that she was practically naked. Mati’s hands reached to grab the pillow from her bed and hide her chest with it. For some reason, she was upset that Sid hadn’t taken notice as much as he may have normally.
“S-Sid… you should have said something!”
“What was I supposed to say? I’m just glad you’re not bleeding anymore…”
She was too. Mati buried her face into the pillow and wanted to scream, but it wouldn’t benefit anyone at all here. There was just this drastic need for another minute of rest. To gather her thoughts and to find the motivation to see this through.
Sid just knew that she was torn up about everything. Just because she did not show it, didn’t mean those internal wounds were not real. The only thing was, he had no idea how to cheer her up. They were lucky and that was the big thing. It was not skill or excellent, on-their-feet thinking that got them out of there. Sid felt just as powerless, in this small, incapable body of his - as an ant trying not to get stepped on.
That demon stepped on both of them, they just had enough legs to walk on still, is all. Damn, he spited himself now for not having his original, mortal body. In the old days, the ones worth being nostalgic about, he was decently lean and good to go for any occasion. Even running off the campus would be a marathon for him. His condition wasn’t helped by how long he had sat dormant, either.
The two of them were silent. The girl and the doll. Feeling they could have done more, they should have done more. But, if they just sat there all night, nothing would get done. Sid scanned the room, for anything, to draw some attention to. To start a conversation. Something that would distract them and pull them out from whatever funk this was.
That is when he spotted them. Tucked away, near one of the closets by Mati’s side of the dorm, was a pair of boots. In fact, they were the kind of boots that Buffy girl wore, he thought. Minimalist, stiletto-heeled knee boots in an attractive brown. A seam from the front went down to the toes, which really helped the material of the boots shine under a certain light.
“Ay, Mati… those your date-night boots, over there?” Sid questioned with a smirk.
“Hmmm…?” She was still partially more concerned about zoning out and holding her pillow to her mostly bandaged torso, to hide her nudity. “Oh… Oh!” Her face flushed with a few shades of red.
“Well, are they? They got a bit of an attitude. Minimalist, ya know. Nothing too fancy, but they could make anyone’s legs look pretty good.” There was a very particular type of woman that Sid liked, apparently. Boots were part of that. A woman who wore boots had a personality of some assertiveness and confidence. Ironic, for Matilde. But, he imagined the apparel would help her adopt such a mindset naturally on a night out. “Ya can tell a lot about someone from their footwear, you know? It's a shame you don’t wear those more often, against the dress code or somethin’?”
“T-they aren’t mine! They are my roommates… She has a thing for boots, for whatever reason. Even ankle boots.” Matilde deflected the notion entirely.
“Ankle boots? On a nun or whoeva’? Yer kiddin’ me, Matilde.” Sid laughed, he wasn’t so easy to fool. Although, he did glance toward the other bed. It was even more composed. As if someone had ironed the covers on it and everything. There were some aggressive-looking boots underneath, stowed away for convenience, however. Lots of black and even some red Doc Martens. “Ah, ya weren’t kidding…”
“Cecilia… is an interesting person. I think her time at the Vatican made her a little…” The girl nearly bit into the pillow, as if to anticipate a sudden surge of pain, for talking about her dorm mate so rudely. “I think she is bitter about a few things.”
“Yeah, all that dogma and stuff. It makes ya heart a bit hard, ya know?” Curious, Sid approached the boots now. They had some time to spare, now that the wound had been treated. “Really though, I’m a fan of these. I just know they are your’s! I got a hunch, a strong feelin’ in my guts…”
“F-fine! Cecilia bought them for me, a moving in gift awhile ago. I thought they were some hand-me-down. But no, someone bought them for her, but she said they aren’t her style…” Such an odd thing, actually. Someone who had studied under the Vatican and suddenly diverted their educational and future career focus. That was a little suspect, she had realized. However, her focus now was on what Sid was doing. It was terrible enough that he had seen her this way and also… indisposed. “D-do you think they match me, or something? I don’t really have a style or anything…”
“This Cecilia saw potential in ya, girly. Honestly, these boots might just be the confidence boost you need…” As Sid grabbed them, Matilde contemplated snatching up a shirt, but putting something on in this condition would have been painful. As of now, the pain’s decrease has only been gradual. “Nice material, too. Not that cheap stuff that was comin’ out when I was around…” Sid was impressed, this stuff could have been something from a movie set.
“What is up with you young girls, in these recent years, having such quality clothes…? Like yer all on a tv show, or somethin’.”
“What do you mean?” Mati was completely clueless on this assertion. “I think you mean… people just invest a lot in how they dress anymore?”
“Nah, I mean, look at these…” Humorously, Sid dragged the boots back over toward her and settled them just before her feet. It was a silly sight that actually forced her to grin a bit. “Dunno how ethical it was, but it is all real animal leather of some sort. Nice texture. It is strong and yet still has so much femininity…”
“You are making these boots sound way more kinky than they are… they are just boots.” She had to reply, still smiling and with a slight blush. Sid going off on his admiration for them made her feel strange. Simply, she chalked it up to his natural charisma and enthusiasm for things. “I think you empathize with the inanimate a little too much now… don’t you think?”
“What ya mean? Just cuz a guy is trapped in a doll’s body, he suddenly thinks everything from the bookshelf to the bed is his brother and sister? Nah…” He had to chuckle at that too. Clearly, he was aware of how ridiculous these notions were. But they did succeed in one thing, Matilde had been distracted from the pain and the horrific things that occurred that night, just earlier.

Even if it would not distract her from remembering it in the future, this was still an achievement. As for the long term itself, Sid would have to give her a significant memory in order to make up for indirectly pulling her into all of this. If he wasn’t alive, in that body, she’d probably just be fine.

But, with the way this girl was, she would have investigated eventually. Maybe she would have gotten away in time, sooner. Who knows. All that Sid could bet on was that they were alive, for the time being.

“Sid… do you feel human, in there? Not just with the puppet body slowly transforming and becoming more human-like, but… do you feel… like a person?” It was a daring thing to ask. Matilde immediately regretted it. Honestly, if it was possible to take something back entirely, she would have. “I’m sorry. That is such a rude thing for me to ask.”

“No, I get it… I ask myself that question all the time.” What a guy, Sid pretended it did not bother him. He wouldn’t let her feel hurt, by letting it be apparent just how much of a sad situation it was all and how it affected him. With great focus, he pretended to be transfixed with the boots still and calmly - he would explain how he felt, without letting the wood of his face crack with any more expression than necessary to convey the depth of his introspection. “It feels like I am… fallin’, ya know? Falling into a deep well. With water all around me. One of those old fashion stone wells, lots of places to catch yourself, sure - but I was unable to, when I first fell in…”

“Did you really fall into a well, at some point…?” Mati rightfully assumed that the relevancy of that feeling had some merit in something in his own life, as a living person. “Y-you can tell me. I won’t let anyone know.”

“Ya say that like there is some immense shame in falling into a well or something, ha!” This girl, he thought, truly had some charm to her as well. It was cute and enduring, how she trusted him now. Sid trusted her in return. “When I was a young boy, I had this pal, a country boy - named Marcus. He lived in Montana, North America. Lots of woods out there. Next to Canada. And no, they don’t speak french up there… it's all hot-blooded American mine workers and farmers. Lots of horses too.”

“Sounds wild, like the wild west.” She joked again, holding the pillow tighter to her body, against her breasts. The pain… was barely noticeable as she was transfixed on the story. “Go on.”

“So, there I was… I met him over in California. My ma and my step dad, this angry old Anglo fella, lived well. But they wanted me to know the value of hard work. This was when the world was a whole lot less industrialized. It was a very different world, before the wars got real bad. The last war had torn the country up, killed my actual dad…”

“Your dad died in World War 1?”

“World War 1…?”

“Yes, well, the Great War, but yankees call it World War 1.”

“There was another one?!” Sid had actually convinced her for a moment there. “I’m kiddin’, I read books too, ya know.”

“Sorry…” Mati shook her head, how embarrassing. “Please, go on.”

“Yeah, as I was sayin’, it was a different world. Mining had just become big. I’m talkin’ big resources like copper. The stuff in all your pipes. But also, bullets. Bullet alloys began to use copper and they had to pull it from the Earth. When I was alive, everyone was anticipating the next big war…” And unfortunately, it would happen. “Crazy to think about… When I was alive, the Civil War here in Spain was still in newspapers.”

“Ah… there were American volunteers who fought in the war.”

“Not surprising. Americans fear conflict, but they love to get in it…” That was something Sid’s dad would have said, if he were alive. “So… my friend Marcus, his family is Spanish-Polish. I meet up with him and his family talks to my family, says we oughta put in our effort and dig some copper up.”

“You were a miner? I thought you were slaying demons by then…” Surely, Mati knew that Sid’s life was immensely fascinating. A part of her wanted to know every single thing about him.

“I was. And I had started the demon huntin’ gig, but ya know, sometimes when yer young, you gotta experiment. ‘Mericans were big on ‘moral obligation’. The army had wooden guns and no ammo to train with, while the Germans were remilitarizing the Rhine, in defiance of all the treaties…” There was a good chance Sid would have fought in World War 2 if not for the whole ‘imprisoned in a living doll’ thing. That tended to be a major disqualifier for the draft. “I get out to Montana… and I am toiling. We are working deep underground and we are all poor, but man, the Copper Kings are making nothing but money off of our labour.”

“Tends to happen with any industry…”

“Careful now, don’t be readin’ those Marx books…” Sid waved a little finger at her. “The mine was hell. But, after a big haul, I went out to the country to meet Marcus’ parents. Said they were running ‘away from the whole damn’ world ‘cause they was Jewish. Good folks, honestly. Me and Marcie, heh… we played some baseball in a field by his family’s home.”

“Rather rural, wasn’t it?” The girl did her best to imagine the green fields nestled between mountains. She had entirely forgotten her pain and partially, her own top nudity, as she lowered the pillow. “Must have been beautiful. Despite being so close to the mines…”

“Used to all be nothin’ but rural. I went to grab a ball and through the grass, I fell a thin board of wood beneath my feet. Next thing I know, there is this crashing sound…” It was terrifying, even Sid’s face was able to convey his surprise of what happened next. “There was an old well, they barely covered it up and I fell right down it. Not even Marcie’s parents knew about it. But I fell down in, deep. Into muddy waters. I tried to climb the stone walls, but I’d get half way up and fall down again. It hurt.”

“Did you think you were going to die…?” She could relate to that. Mati had that same feeling of doom just earlier.

“No… Marcie woulda crawled in with a cheese sandwich, until both of us got out. But, ya wouldn’t believe it. I’m deep in the ground and I hear something…” The story had reached its apex. Sid spoke and Mati was entirely enthralled by his narration. “I knocked some stones away and there was a bunch of soft soil… I had no choice but to try climbing through it. I found a bunch of helmets, a pick ax… I realized someone had dug close to there before, a long while ago - but must have stopped when they hit the stone well’s walls…”

Meanwhile, Mati was silent. Who could it have been? Some underground society? Mole-people?

“Next thing I know, Mati… I am crawling through the dirt and I am suddenly in the mine. In fact, I am in mine-shaft nine, just under the main Frame of the city above. I pop out, covered in mud and dirty with bloody hands and face… I look around and there’s a bunch of my co-workers all around me.” The story is a wholesome memory that Sid held close to his heart. One that comforted him in the past. “I see my shift boss, he looks at me and he just says… ‘Bit early to be back already, huh - Sid?!’ And he tosses me a helmet and tells me to get to work for an extra dollar an hour!”
The two laugh. Mati did not believe the story at all, it had been some silly anecdote or something embellished greatly from the truth. But she loved it, Mati was simply glad that he told her something at all that was clearly so inspiring to him - as it made him smile. The atmosphere now, in the dorm room, it was so welcoming. Never before had Mati thought of this room as a nice place to rest. A home, almost. Yet… could it be that Sid was the missing piece to make her feel that way about it?
“You can’t tell me with a straight face that actually happened… you would have succumbed to the dirt, surely…” That was the logical conclusion, at least. But, Mati had to remember that Sid was hardly an ordinary guy back then. “Was your life always so destined to be different from others?”
“I should ask ya the same thing…” Then, Sid was only able to think about what had brought them to this conversation in the first place. “Falling into that well… that is what this body feels like. Only, the water is rising. The stone won’t give away and there is no mineshaft just next door, for me to crawl my way out of. I have to climb up and through the well. I gotta grab the little stones, the big ones and shit, my own. A man has gotta have balls in a situation like this. I can’t give up, even if it seems like the well gets deeper.”
“The well gets deeper…” The phrasing had become something for Mati to linger on. She knew if she did not climb from her own well of negativity, given this grave metaphor for Sid’s own misfortune, she may spiral into the muddy waters of depression. “Do you have balls? I mean, not metaphorically but…”
“Sheesh kid, asking a man about his balls now? You have some for asking that, missy!” Clearly, Sid was not actually upset. Far from it, he was just having a good time too. “But to answer ya question, yes. Actually. Seems like I got everything down there… which makes sense. My body is trying to convert this doll into a fleshy being. So, the most human thing about a human is probably their junk…”
“Charming…” With a roll of her eyes, Mati wasn’t surprised that was something someone of Sid’s time would say. “I know you had… well, a dick, from earlier. But, I was just curious about-”
“Curious about my balls? Mati, how about you appeal to my curiosity and put on these boots…” His hand tapped the side of them. “Then, I can show you my balls and we can get a move on.”
“...” Speechless, Matilde didn’t know how to move forward from this encounter, as odd as it was. There was something inside of her that she wanted to explore… more, of whatever this was. Her frightening curiosity of the occult meant that things like this, things like Sid - were subject to the magnet that was her mind. Everything had fallen into place. The universe had given her something mystic and tangible before her. The curtain had been lifted and there was nothing, but a wonderful world to explore behind it.
“Fine, fine. I get the silent treatment. All fine with me.” With a sigh, Sid knocked over the boots. “Was just tryin’ to get ya to loosen up… It is a past time of Demon-Slayin’, ya know? Jokes, jests, banter-”
“Sometimes that too.” He huffed back. There was a lack of expression on Mati’s face that was concerning. “Ya… ya okay there, kiddo?”
“I’m not a kid.” Boldly retorted Mati. “You should treat me like the young lady I am, old man…”
“Old?! I’m spiritually in my mid twenties!” Defended Sid. He propped the boots back up, as if to entice her further. This was going somewhere.

“So, what makes ya such an adult then, Mati?”
Another roll of her eyes, but this time, she accompanied it with a smile. Her initial confidence had soared. Finally, someone had validated that adult that was inside of her and it was Sid, of all people. Who showed interest, voluntarily or otherwise, in her body in subtle ways. The pillow was placed beside her. Without shame, her nudity was appreciated immediately by Sid.
“Okay, ya got the look of a woman underneath all of that…” Even with some slight pudge at her tummy, she had a womanly body regardless. Sid smiled and felt a part of him harden. “Ya got more womanhood hiding underneath yer school clothes?”
“I have an entire well of womanhood in me, Sid.” A part of Mati wanted to die after saying that. It was so embarrassing, but at least she was not trying to make her voice sound seductive or anything cringe-inducing when she did say that. “Are you going to fall down that well and find out…?”
There was no holding back, the two burst out laughing. It was some of the most joyous laughter that Mati had experienced in her entire life. She didn’t know where this tempting nature came from, but she simply could not take herself seriously.
“I can’t believe I said any of that… and that I’m… expressing myself like-” Mati had begun to explain the complexity of these strange feelings, when Sid had reached out to touch her stocking clad leg. With a less than subtle shuffle away, she suddenly became aware of her own shame. “S-sorry, just…”
“Come on, Mati - you know that if I ever touch ya, it is never to hurt ya.” It was not like Sid to back away. With some steps closer, he found himself giving her legs a hug. The warmth of a human being. There was a melancholic beauty in that. “I just… I just want to feel something warm again. When yer deep in a well, in no-where-Montana, you just want to get away from the muddy waters…”
Of course, Mati couldn’t kick him away or anything. She let him hug her legs and honestly, she felt like she was on the verge of tears herself. It was not like her life was imperfect by any means, she just ran it all at her own pace. Deep down, she felt in the well of her womanhood, as she mentioned earlier… there was a lot of water to still explore.
It was only natural. The allure of Sid was that he was, indeed, a person in that body. An embodiment of the ‘other side’ of the curtain she had so often wished to see. The holder of forbidden knowledge, the guide into the other worldly things she always wanted to have. While it was terrible of her to compare him to De Ascanio, Sid was the fulfillment of everything she wanted him to be.
Ironically, she felt like he was more a man than De Ascanio ever was. That was because Sid desperately wanted his humanity back, whereas De Ascanio was trying to escape it.
“You… You want to be human again. A true human, right, Sid?” She didn’t need to ask, but Sid nodded yes - his head rubbed against her leg as he found himself unable to let go of that human warmth. A warmth he envied and wanted to feel the aura of more. That glowing warmth of real blood behind flesh. “Well… you’re a human and a person to me, Sid. Despite that body.”
“Girlie… yer just making me feel sad now…” Chuckled Sid. “Here I am… hugging your legs, with a hard prick over your small tits…” They were nice legs though. Thick in all of the right ways. So easy to grasp on and held tight to.
“Sid… you’re a pervert.” There was no point in denying that. “You’re a man of your times and… I think you never changed. The fact that you want your humanity back entirely is… surprising. We could see about putting you into anything or ensuring your soul is immortal in something more preferable. Maybe we could put you into the internet?”
“I want… humanity. To see the world again, with my own two eyes and to travel everywhere with my own two feet, ya see?” He lucked up at her from between her legs. Only for his eyes to aim down at her panties, as she had naturally spread herself for him. Her body wanted touch, just as much as he did, she’d just never admit it. Even the insides of her legs had blushed. “The thing about humanity… It is fragile. It can be taken away. That is why it is so noble. I don’t want to live forever, I want to live one last, good life to the best of my abilities…”
“It is fragile…” Suddenly, her legs closed and Sid was forced to step away. Damn, he went too far, he thought. For a dummy with a big head, he didn’t use it well this time. “But, Sid… do you want to be like those soldiers before? They were cut down so easily…”
“They were bold and tough. Ya know.” Sid looked away, embarrassed about what had just happened. It was just then, like a soldier, Mati kicked off her shoes and reached for the boots. As he watched her slide each one on, Sid became more and more aware of how much they inspired her confidence. Just as he thought they would. “They fought in the dark, on the terms of those demons. Since they don’t like comin’ out during the day. I respect that kind of nobility. The world doesn’t need old hunters like me, if we got guys like that willing to lay their lives down.”
“Like in a war? A world war against… evil?” Asked Mati, as she fastened the boots further and now, simply let her hands explore her own body. Her fingers running over her own, perked nipples and her free hand stroking her slit. “You’re brave too, Sid…”
“Ya know what is a real war, Mati? Love. And affection. That is another side of humanity that is noble. Being an ace pilot is sometimes not as good as getting aces in love. Despite everything bad about humans, we love and we make love too…” There was no hiding it, Sid had begun to stroke his dick through his pants. In turn, Mati - who was a blushed mess, didn’t relent in feeling herself before him. The aroma of her arousal had reached Sid’s more and more human-like senses. “What’s gotten into us…?”
“I d-don’t know…” Huffed Mati. “If we are going to war against that demon… I-I want to remember what we are fighting for. A noble humanity that… e-enjoys love, right?” It was like the heroic dialogue from those books she read over and over again as a kid.
“Mati, show me the goods…” Sid knew he had won. Finally, another woman had given into his charms. “Lemme see it Mati, don’t be shy now, I’ll even show ya mine!”
“Pfft… you already took it out of your pants…” While it was very… dummy-like, it seemed to have all the sensations as a human penis. What was surprising was how Sid didn’t cum instantly from a century or more of frustration. “T-this is the worst thing I’ve ever done…” Mati cursed herself, sliding her panties to the side and revealing her womanhood to Sid.
“Why? I’m lovin’ this side of ya… The boots do ya legs favours, hon!” Damn, Sid had gotten into the moment now. Girls loved the well-story. It was mostly true, too. Sid regretted not telling it sooner. “Not gonna lie… I wasn’t too wild for ya until I imagined those boots on ya.”
“Perv… girls with boots are your thing, huh?” Nervously, she questioned. Matilde noted that she wanted to wear boots far more often now. “A-am I just going to do this myself?!” Frustration. The tension between them needed to be resolved now.
“Just had to ask…” And thus, Sid pushed his face between her legs. Teasingly, she tried to capture him between the thickness of her thighs, but he prevailed. He loved the warmth on both sides of his head from her skin and honestly, she tasted very good too. It was familiar and she even smelled nice too. She must have had a particular diet that benefited this. “Mm! Wow!”
“D-Don’t give me that look after t-tasting me like a meal!” Mati squeaked, her hands had come to cover her mouth. There was no remorse in how Sid shamelessly licked at her. It was a small tongue that surely was organic and had saliva clinging to it. Wetly and audibly, he licked her length and finally, expertly, found her clit. With his entire mouth, he did not hesitate to suck at it. Rubbing it with circular motions while sucking simultaneously. Matilde’s body ‘squeaked’ just as her voice did.    

“Ohm! Ohohmm!”

This was far better than masturbation. Without thinking, she let her finger that had played with herself prior, sit at her lips. With a brief taste, she realized what Sid was talking about. She tasted like hard butterscotch candy and smelled like it too. Interesting.

“Mmmm…” Sid pulled away with an audible pop and had the goofiest smile a man, living or puppet, could muster. “You’re a treat down here, Mati… to think ya were holding off on me. This is an excellent pussy!”
“W-Why would you say that?” She wanted to screech. “W-why did you stop?!”
“I was just taking a breather…” And that he was. Sid returned to the actions and while his tongue danced against her clit, his fingers worked their magic. He knew all of the places to prod and it was not difficult at all in poking her in all of the right places.
“S-Sheesh!” She quoted him. “T-that’s so… much effort, you are really in-into this type of perverted stuff!” Yet, it was hot. The hottest thing she ever experienced. Better than any toy. This sentient, living man gave her the attention she thought she’d never get. Her focuses and her pursuits in life had left her estranged from such, since her late high school days. But now, there was a sense of fulfillment and validation. Mati was a young woman now and Sid being… older, in several ways, only made the scenario that much more enjoyable.
“Ahhh… I gotta lot of experience. Never in this body, but ya know, I thought about it enough to know how I’d do it…”
“O-Of course you did…” What a perv, she thought. But, it had paid off. “Imma use all my experience against ya now, Mati-girl.”
That was such a delightful thing to hear and surely, he amounted up to that promise entirely. To be stimulated like this, it made her heart flutter just as much as it made her hips buck lightly toward him. The sounds also made her mind wild, what she could not see - she could imagine. One hand found itself on the top of his head and the other, well, against her own breasts. It felt so natural, to pinch at herself - at her most tender parts.

Eventually, she knew what was wanted more than anything else.
“S-Sid… Put it in.” It wasn’t begging, but the most polite request. Delivered with a shaking, hot breath. “Just… put something in me…”
“Hmm…?” He wiped at his mouth. “Sure. Just… this thing might not feel too good going in, so, maybe help get it nice and lubed up?”
“Is that your way of asking for erhm… a blowjob?”
“That is what I had in mind, but-”
“Fine.” She adjusted her glasses and filled herself with determination. It wasn’t very big, but that meant it would be easy. For her. This is all what Mati thought to justify this lustful indulgence. “I have no idea what I’m doing, but…”
“Just give me yer best, babe…” Sid was enthusiastic about it and patient with her, to boot. Although, he looked a bit displeased when she held him up by the sides and held him over her. It just made him feel small, in the most undignified way.

“Ehhh… What’s the plan here, dollie?”
“You’ll see… Hmpf.” She replied with a gulp. Her eyes stared at his wooden manhood and without further hesitation, her lips embraced it. The dummy gasped audibly as he felt his dick completely overtaken in an ocean of wet warmth. What an incredible feeling. It felt like the deepest of oral he ever received in his waking life. The way she dabbed at his tip with her tongue, while pushing it in more and more. Holding him by his sides, Mati was determined to repay him for his previous efforts.
“W-wow! Yer a natural!” Sid thought it would be a good compliment, but no one really wanted to be referred to as being remarkably good at sucking a dummy’s dick. “Whoa… that’s… really good…”
How long had it been since he got his dick wet? It must have been almost a full century. Or more. Such a damn shame, but this was a reward for his perseverance through the curse. It was rather loving, how much attention she gave his manhood and it made Sid give out exaggerated exhales of pleasure.
“Oh yeah, here we go…” As he was dangling above Mati, her head bobbed against his pelvis. That girl did her best to take in his dick and despite everything, she still had to fight a gag reflex at first. It tasted very… wooden, like a popsicle stick at first. Eventually, there was something very organic in her mouth. It was soft against her tongue, which made it easy for her to glide against it. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is the stuff!”
Mati could only let her face become entirely painted in several tones of red, while she blew him relentlessly. She ignored the pain in her bandaged injury and had pushed all the negative thoughts to the back of her mind. There was only this moment, for the time being. Was it selfish? After everything that had happened? Yes. But once she saw death, came close to it herself, there was only one liberation from it all.
To embrace the fragility of life and all of its noble pursuits.
“Mmm…” And apparently, make herself fellate a dummy possessed by a demon slayer. This is not at all what she thought her occultic studies would lead to, but she would never complain that they ultimately lead to this. “Gnahh…”
“Mmhhh… whoa, just, just this is the stuff I’ve been missin’!” Sid let his mouth drop, soon, Mati’s would open as well and release his dick from the imprisonment of her tongue’s grasp. Only then, she bobbed her head against him again, letting his dick poke against her inner cheeks. It was a new sensation that also allowed for her to massage his shaft with her tongue simultaneously. Saliva pooled and ensured that the blowing was a wet and messy experience. “Wow, just… wow… here we go, here we go…”
Sid repeated that like a mantra. Here we go, here we go… that string of words oddly turned her own. The enthusiasm behind it and also, his radical enjoyment from the pleasuring. Soon, her jaw began to hurt. It was time for the main event of this journey and she was just as eager as Sid to try it out.
Once released from her mouth entirely, a strand of saliva connecting his dick to her lips still, Sid could guess what was to come next. Luckily, he managed to catch his breath in time. Amazing that he even had breath to catch, he thought.
The charming dummy was sat down just between her legs. Matilde had scooted more onto her bed and spread herself for him. It was clear that she had given consent for him to enjoy her body. This exchange would be beneficial and enjoyable to them both.
“Time to fall into yer well, Mati-girl…” It was a nice call back. With great intimacy, Sid pushed himself into her and it was a slice of heaven. No, an entire cake of paradise. To be inside a woman again like this made him ecstatic. Audibly, his body pumped into her and her pussy was already wet from before. With great ease, he was able to slide his cock in and out in a dedicated rhythm.
Despite the size difference, Mati was as tight as her former nun-roommate, probably. In Between the occasional gasp between them both, their eyes would form a bond and then break away. Only to make contact again. An odd feeling had formed in both of their chest’s, but they would chalk it up to just the exertion of sex itself.
“Ya know, I don’t mind the few extra pounds ya got…” Sid admitted as he prodded her inner walls with his length. He really enjoyed her tightness and how she seized around him. As if to compensate for what he lacked in stature and size, compared to a more ‘contemporary’ sex partner. “I like to pound ‘em…”
“Sid!” Little instances like that had ruined her mood. With closed eyes now, Mati let herself get into the moment more and more. “Uhhmm… Mmhmm…” There was no choice but to bite her bottom lip. All to prevent the shameful sounds she made.
“Aren’t these dorms built like bunkers, nowadays? Ya can be loud if ya want, Mati…”
“J-just… fuck me, Sid.”
“Whoa, language!” Small hands gripped her inner thighs, where the skin had become as reddened as her face. Slickly, Sid’s dick continued to pound into her with all of his might. It was less about length and girth, and more about what a lover did with it, after all. “I ain’t a big cup of watta’ like I used to be, but Mati-babe, I know how to roll the ocean waves!”
“Gghh… why d-do you talk like that?” For the most part, he really knew how to treat a woman, in his own odd way. And he was experienced at ‘delivering the goods’ when it came to knocking-nasties. But Sid… had a lot more to learn, about talking to modern ladies. “J-just focus on… me please!”
“Oh, trust me, I am!” Winked Sid, letting his pelvis pound against her own more. When he pulled out on the retreat, he ensured that his head was just barely still in her. When he would push back in with a fleshy slap, he would have run the entire length of his dick as deep as he could again. There was certainly a skill to it, without accidentally pulling out entirely, but Sid had mastered this ability. “My stroke game is unbelievable, ain’t it?!”
Luckily, he was at least ninety nine percent sure that he would not get her pregnant if he managed to shoot a load right into her. Obsessively, his brain wanted to do just that. The satisfaction of getting a good dick in her was more than enough, but to spill into her? To uppercut into her guts? What a joy!
It was greatly unfortunate that someone had stepped up to the door, just outside. Judging by the weight behind their steps, it was obvious that it was someone wearing boots. Reluctantly, both Sid and Mati stopped their movements in a hastened panic.     This happened just as Mati virtually wrapped her legs around Sid tightly, pinning him into the penetrative acts. Her eyes were wide behind her glasses, this was the worst possible thing that could happen with the worst timing. And that was saying a lot, considering what had happened earlier this night.
Why now? Why now of all times. A dummy was balls deep inside of her, she was practically nude and she had a suspicious bandage on her shoulder, with a bleeding wound beneath. Not only that, she was wearing these stupid kinky boots. All of this looked terrible and it didn’t help that Cecilia was a woman of the Church still, as far as she knew.
Sid had pulled himself out, after much reluctance. All he could do was crawl to the other end of the bed and do his best to curl up beneath the pillow. Without any other options, Mati began masturbating again. It was better to be caught in this act, then it was to be with a haunted doll that her dead professor owned.
Keys were prepared and soon, the door would be open. Someone who was more or less a nun, would enter at any moment and stumble upon this scene. For some horrible reason, Sid thought that this whole setup was abnormally exciting. Hot even.     Truthfully, it was more likely that he was frustrated with the fact he had yet to get his rocks off entirely.
When the door finally opened, there stood Cecilia. A surprisingly tall, but soft looking young lady with her hair dyed blue and kept up in a french braid. Clearly, she had enjoyed some of the freedoms that such a university provided her.
However, the cost of this freedom meant walking in on her dorm mate. Flustered and blushing, with an exasperated expression, leaning against her pillow while she masturbated hard. Matilde pretended to not notice at first.
“O-Oh! Oh my god!” Mati was not the best at acting either.     “I’m so-sorry, w-why didn’t you knock or something?!”
“C-Cecilia, d-don’t look at me like that! You just barged in!”

Continue to Episode 4