


Clank, clank.

Bzzz. Brrr-bzzz.

    The gross light emanating from the ceiling encapsulated the rusty room, surrounding every corner with the incessant buzz of the electrical wires cracking. The boots stepping on disjointed patches of metallic floor. El Chamán adjusted his skull printed mask as he was in front of the last door of the corridor. Two men who clad military suits covered his back, not for protection, however - but to ensure he kept forward.

    Chamán knew this was his biggest gig, his breakthrough. Therefore he didn’t hesitate to open the door full of confidence. He contemplated the room and his spirits dropped instantly.

    It was clearly an office, something he got briefed about. Yet, disappointment was hard to hide when he saw only a desolated desk with a tape and a Walkman with headphones already plugged in. He closed the door and let his escort to await promptly. Upon inspecting the room, the only interesting thing seemed to be the framed map with a few markings on bright red. Freshly added. Other than that, not even a single file cabinet, or a plant. Just another sad and cheap light over his head.

    “I would have preferred some cooler set up. Some room of smoking upper heads or so waiting to discourage me…”

    He mindlessly looked at the map as he took the cassette and put it into the Walkman. With butter fingers, letting some of his own lowered confidence make him scared to accidentally push the record button rather than play, he finally set up the headphones down his mask to his heart. After the click, however, the tape didn’t seem to start.

    He waited a bit before making sure it was the other way around. There were no indications of the side to hear, but as he was checking up again the map, a distorted voice finally greeted him.

    “Agente Chamán. We are highly sorry we cannot offer you a proper dispatch for your mission nor an appropriate briefing. We have little time. You will be sent as a special neutral unit to inspect one of our NOC projects location as part of a recognition mission. We cannot disclose further information as we cannot acknowledge this operation officially.”

    So, they are probably sending me to one of those meat grinders?

    “Your destination is the 17th Division. Ppack your essential gear as soon as possible and don’t be late if you don’t want to be confused as the enemy. If any of the members does mistake you as one of their targets, you may get your entry denied. And remember, don’t engage as much as possible. We only need to check if the Divisions are working as pretended, or if we have to use our resources in other more profitable success-wise operations.” Chamán looked at the map, locating the 17th. “Be sure to leave no trace. We believe in you.”

    The man only heard static after that last line. He stood, and made sure there was no post-credits scene. Once he was certain, he took the tape and threw it to the floor to crush it with his boot. But he kept the Walkman. By the time he left the hall, the two agents that escorted him took his time to crack a pack of cigarettes.

    “Do you think this one will obey just like a pup? He seemed like he could piss his pants at any minute and run away.”

    His companion laughed.

    “What of it? Is not like we are hurting for lap dogs at the CIA.”